Sunday, December 17, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 11, 12/13/23


Welcome to Leg 11! Last time, on Searching For the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow, 4 teams raced from Sweden to Dublin Ireland. There was much Riverdancing and hurling, and Steve and Anna Leigh fell behind and were eliminated. And then there were three: Rob and Corey, the father with hearing impairment and his son, who have one of the most loving father-son relationships I’ve seen on television in a long time; Greg and John, the brothers and computer scientists who always see every challenge as a puzzle to solve; and Joel and Garrett, best friends and beard enthusiasts who seem to have kept up with the young guns and are always able to come back from their setbacks, mostly caused by Joel. (Toyouke: “I think I'm OK with any of these teams winning? Very unusual.”) Who will win The Amazing Race 35? (click for more)

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Sunday, December 10, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 10, 12/6/23


Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Dropping Into Sweden the Hard Way, 5 teams raced from Slovenia to Stockholm, Sweden. Rob and Corey used their Express Pass at the Roadblock, but then were not able to keep the lead they created. Three teams struggled with directions, so the Beards ended up in first, while Todd and Ashlie fell behind and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, December 3, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 9, 11/29/23


Welcome to Leg 9! Last time, on Slovenia? I Hardly Know Her!, 6 teams continued racing about Slovenia. There was strategy, which mostly meant not telling people things. Rob and Corey struggled on the Detour (read the clue!) but decided to save the Express Pass. The brothers were first again, and Todd and Ashlie struggled, but it was Robbin and Chelsea who fell way too far behind and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 8, 11/22/23


Welcome to Leg 8! Last time, on This Product Placement Episode Is Not Brought To You By a Gnome, 7 teams raced from Germany to Ljubljana, Slovenia. There was an Express Pass battle between four teams, which ended in victory for Rob and Corey. Steve and Anna Leah made mistakes and dealt with anger and sadness, only to end up second to last behind sisters Morgan and Lena, who were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 7, 11/15/23


Welcome to Leg 7! Last time, on No One Can Ever Drive and Self Navigate For Anything, 8 teams raced from India to Cologne, Germany. Emotions run high because driving. Robbin and Chelsea decide to follow Greg and John and end up in the top two. Joel and Garrett have a bad day, but Andrea and Malaina’s is worse, as they are eliminated before finishing the leg. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, November 12, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 6, 11/8/23


Welcome to Leg 6! Last time, on What’s the Deal With the U-Turn Vote?, 9 teams continued racing through Jaipur, India. There was a U-Turn vote. Texas got U-Turned, and they complained about it. It slowed down Steve and Anna Leigh, but ultimately it was one pair of brothers that came in first (Yay, Greg and John!) and the other that came in last. So Liam and Yeremi were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 5, 11/1/23


Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on It’s Been Way Too Long, India, Nice To Stop By, 10 teams raced from Vietnam to Jaipur, India. Corey managed to fall way behind on a roadblock in which he couldn’t balance pots on his head. Robbin and Chelsea decided to not share information with teams, which annoyed people. And the gays and the sisters were in a visible race to the mat, in which Joe and Ian were sadly eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 4, 10/25/23


Welcome to Leg 4! Last time, on Even With a Pit Stop, Keep Racing Counts as a Double Leg Just Saying, 11 teams continued racing through Vietnam, some on very little sleep from the night before. Emotions ran high, and at the Swedish Roulette Roadblock, Robbin and Chelsea emerged as the victors. In a shocking twist, Jocelyn and Victor, who won the first two legs, were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 3.2, 10/18/23


Welcome back to Leg 3! Last time, on I Miss Airport Drama, 11 teams raced from Thailand to Vietnam. Teams had to get their own flights, and this resulted in airline delays and secret flights being discovered. The sisters played their Express Pass at the floating market, and then struggled to maintain their lead. Team Texas lucked out by snagging one of the earliest departure times for the floating market, and made their way into first place, while the brothers ended up, and I quote Phil, “dead last”. But they were told to keep racing! So Leg 3 continues. . . I think. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 3.1, 10/11/23


Welcome to Leg 3! Last time, on You’ll Never Change Standings That Much If You Stay in the Same City, 12 teams continued racing through Thailand. There was pressure and many lost shoes at the Roadblock, where Idaho Dad Bod managed to leave their fanny pack. Retail Love had a Detour option made just for them, and they once again took first place, while mother/daughter Elizabeth and Iliana traveled to the Detour they didn’t want, but did it anyway and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 2, 10/04/23


Welcome to Leg 2! Last time, on Why Are There So Many Teams This Season?, a record 13 teams started Amazing Race 35 in Los Angeles, California. We are told that there are no NELs, but airport drama is back! Teams made their way to Bangkok, Thailand, where Morgan and Lena ate bugs for the Express Pass, and Elizabeth and Iliana risked going home first to do the Massage Task in the Detour. The grocery store owners took first place, while the nerdy siblings couldn't learn choreography and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 1, 9/27/23


Welcome to Leg 1 of The Amazing Race 35! It’s been a full year since we last saw the amazing Phil, and with two seasons ready to go (including one from before this one that still uses charter flights; we’ll discuss that later) we get the one that was filmed more recently. (Toyouke: “Just in time for the strike to be over!”) Phil voices over that flights are back! As are the Express Pass and the U-Turn! All of which he’ll bring up again later! But then we careen towards the Hollywood sign, and we get to meet the teams. (click for more)

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 0, 9/20/23


Welcome back to the Amazing Race! It’s season number thirty-five. It has been a full year since the last time we’ve racearoundtheworld-ed, and in that time, two full TARs have been taped. Since there’s a strike going on, rather than air what was going to be TAR35, they took the next season (filmed this past June and July), gave it 90 minute episodes, and made THAT TAR35. In good news, airport drama is back! But charter flights will be back later since old TAR35 (now TAR36?) was still in COVID restrictions. All caught up? Good. Oh, and I brought Toyouke along for the snark. Aren’t you lucky? We’ve read the bios and watched the videos, so let’s get to this shall we? (Toyouke: “Why are the individual team bios on this year? At least I can watch them for once.”) The thirteen teams (first time ever!) for TAR35 are (click for more):

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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/7/23--"The Finale" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the final four were asked to make avant-garde outfits inspired by an art instillation that was mostly glass and mirrors. Bishme continued to make interesting streetwear and was declared the winner. Laurence did an interesting skirt shape (and had Mimi) so she was also in. It came down to Brittany (boring but decently made) and Rami (fit the challenge but had terrible seams) and the judges chose Brittany. So Rami was eliminated. (click for more)

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/31/23--"The Sky's the Limit" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: menswear red carpet challenge. Make some flashy clothes. I do like this challenge which is fun but has a good twist. Rami won for making a tuxedo, but with diagonal seams and loose pants. It was a sci-fi costume in the best way. Prajje did paint on some silk, but the judges used the shitty runway lighting to complain the colors weren't good and he was sent home. (click for more)

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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Recap up on Friday

 My DVR cancelled my recording for no reason, and I was not at home so I didn't discover it until halfway through the episode. I set it up to tape the replay but that's not until 1am, so I will have to get it tomorrow after school. So early evening? We're almost to the end.

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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/24/23--"Let Me See Your Peacock" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: we had a very contrived challenge that was supposedly about “double bind”, which is when you get conflicting criticisms, aka what the judges here always do. But then everyone started talking about how this was about women not being able to be themselves? Which makes no sense. Anyway, the whole thing ended up being an excuse for nonsense judging and Laurence won, which is whatever. Korto argued with the judges so I guess that was the excuse to send her home. (click for more)

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Friday, August 18, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/17/23--"Double Bind" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the remaining designers were able to make whatever they wanted. The runway was outside for no reason, meaning no one could see anything. Bishme made a weird skirt that was sheer to the knee and then giant brown ruffles and he won. Kara Saun made a coat covered in feathers which was a lot. She was eliminated, even though they yelled at Prajje for making something dated. (click for more)

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Slight delay on recap

 It has been a very busy week and the Project Runway recap is going to be late. I am hoping Friday afternoon? Sorry and thank you

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/10/23--"Freedom" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: we had the client challenge, which involved “Below Deck” and making uniforms. It was actually very interesting, because no one was in the bottom for not dressing a “real person” but instead for making terrible designs. Bishme got his first win for designing a uniform out of neoprene, which looked great but I'm still not sold on how breathable it is. Anna designed a kimono-style top for a captain's uniform, and was sent home for not making it formal enough. (click for more)

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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 8/3/23--"Below Decked Out" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: everyone had to make outfits out of denim, and then they made them compete head-to-head for no reason other than drama. And I suspect so they could declare if you lost your head-to-head battle you could be eliminated, even if you didn't do that poorly. Anyhow, Laurence made a gown and she won. Prajje was briefly criticized because Elaine was uncomfortable having to look at his model's back rolls because she's fat, which of course she tried to hide by saying it wasn't “flattering” but of course the model “has a lovely figure” or whatever. But then Rami was sent home for not being “fashion forward” and then Christian used his Save so no one went home. (click for more)

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Monday, July 31, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 7/27/23--"Uncut Hems" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the challenge was to make lingerie inspired looks. We also had models of all genders just to screw with people. Kara Saun made a 1921-inspired sheer dress that was also tied to Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Massacre, and she won. Fabio was worried about being too boring, which is why he's been in the bottom, but he went too far in the other direction and was eliminated. (click for more)

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 7/20/23--"Fashion, Inside Out" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: There were two groups and they were told to bring the 90s back into fashion. For some reason there was a weird school theme, which is fine for someone my age who was in high school in the 90s but for people younger I'm not sure why everyone agreed on that theme. One team had more cohesion than the other, but it was pretty even. Laurence made green leather pants with some suspenders and a cone bra and she won. Kayne was eliminated, even though they liked his corset and they had nothing nice to say about Brittany. But I guess covering Liris's upper chest is unforgivable. (click for more)

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 7/13/23--"Like, Totally '90s" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the designers were each given ten yards of the same fabric and told to make something. There was a lot of draping. Brittany made some sportswear-inspired pants and won. Even though there was a lot of draping, Anna made ruffles. Yes she made ruffles for the unconventional materials challenge, but the dress was not the same. Anya and Uli were way worse in making the same dress over and over. Korto and Kayne were very upset about it, and decided to blame Anna and not the judges. Korto did the most talking about it, but Kayne was the one who actually said something to Anna, but no one wants to say anything about Kayne. In the end Hester was sent home because their outfit was too much and everyone is still mad at Anna for whatever reason. (click for more)

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 7/6/23--"Seeing Red" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the contestants were put into pairs to make gowns for “modern royalty”. This was achieved with varying levels of success. Korto and Prajje used a fabric Korto brought from home with rich beading to make an African gown, and Korto was declared the winner. Brittany and Anna made a sad droopy beige number, but were both safe over Kayne and Viktor. Viktor wanted to make a “corset” that was really a breastplate, and he was sent home for costuming. (click for more)

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 6/29/23--"Coronation Day" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the unconventional materials challenge asked the designers to make clothes from stuff in FAO Schwartz. Some stuffed animals and a lot of vinyl from floor pianos were used. Viktor won by making a dress out of the ends of foam boomerangs and two stuffed dinosaurs. Mila had a good idea to make a skirt out of strips of jigsaw puzzle pieces, but she needed at least twice as many strips as she actually made, and then the top was just cut up stuffed animals, so she was eliminated. (click for more)

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Friday, June 23, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 6/23/23--"Toying with Fashion" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: the All-Stars were asked to “fix” their worst looks from their original seasons. No one was very happy to see their designs again, especially Bishme, who was thinking about his sister's cancer diagnosis and how she passed a couple of months ago. Mentally that's where he was when making the original design and seeing it put him right back there. Kayne made a dramatic skirt that was actually both black and white and not just black, and he won. No immunity though. The bottom two were the two designers from Season One, Kara Saun and Nora, because neither of them have really sewn anything for nearly 10 years. But Kara Saun's garment was better made so she got to stay and Nora was eliminated. (click for more)

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 6/15/23--"Project Redemption" summary


Previously on “Project Runway All-Stars”: we met all of the designers who decided to return for the “first” all-stars season on Bravo. I was fooled by a preview so the last episode didn't actually have any action in it. It was all introductions and then the reveal of the challenge: redo your worst outfit from your first season. We ended the episode right before any work was done. (click for more)

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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Project Runway All Stars 6/14/23--"Meet the All-Stars" summary


It's season 20 of Project Runway! We are acting like the Lifetime All-Stars seasons didn't happen! I thought for a hot minute this was just going to be introducing the cast and reminding us of what they were like, and thank GOD I skipped ahead because over an hour into this 90 minute episode, they started sewing so now I gotta talk about it. (click for more)

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Top Chef 6/8/23--"Fin." summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the finale began in Paris, as the Quickfire involved the wall challenge, where contestants had to explain to someone how to make a dish without being able to see them. They really should invest in some headphones or something so people can hear each other. Surprisingly the partners were not loved ones but athletes. Ali managed to win, partially because he used actual measurements for seasonings so the two dishes would taste the same. Then everyone had to make a dish featuring mushrooms. This went pretty well, for the most part. Sara won, by making soup. She and Buddha were in the top (listen we all knew Buddha was going to the end, it's nice someone else won for a change). It came down to Gabri having a better dish, but Ali having more mushroom flavor. Do you keep the person who made a better dish or the one who was better at the challenge? They kept Gabri and Ali was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Top Chef 6/1/23--"Champions in Paris" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: Sara returned from Last Chance Kitchen, and it's sad because I like Charbel but I also like Sara. The Quickfire involved making jellies, but they had to be sweet and not savory which I feel is a missed opportunity. Buddha won, because of course he did. Then everyone had to make prank food. Well, “tromp l'oeil” food, which is food that looks like something else. Buddha won again. I mean it's just...I get that he's doing very well but also it's a less interesting show when the same person wins all the challenges? Anyway Tom overthought his dish and basically made caviar-flavored caviar, which is not surprising, so he was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Top Chef 5/25/23--"Goodbye, London!" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: there was a very weird Quickfire involving water conservation? I guess? Which Buddha won because of course he did. And then everyone got into pairs to make wellingtons, three different kinds. It makes sense. Buddha won again, but it was nice in that Gabri was his partner and Gabri has been in the bottom a lot. Sara and Amar had the best collection of flavors, but their lamb was straight-up raw so they were eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Top Chef 5/18/23--"Battle of the Wellingtons" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the Quickfire was working with preserved fish, which no one really had a ton of trouble with? Amar won, even though he didn't know what he was doing for most of the challenge. He was given extra time in the Elimination challenge, which was to make a thali of Indian food. You didn't have to make Indian food, but you had to include a variety of flavors. A lot of work and some people don't know anything about Indian food. Amar managed to win again, which is very nice and I like seeing him do well. Victoire couldn't keep up with the spices, and while the other two in the bottom managed to provide at least one excellent dish, nothing she made was very impressive so Victoire was eliminated. (click for more)

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Top Chef 5/11/23--"Thali Time" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: it was Restaurant Wars time! They let the contestants take over a pre-existing restaurant with a trained waitstaff and FOH leaders, which I think was amazing. No more cater waiters. But apparently there are a lot of people who really wanted them to have to do décor and force someone to be FOH. But that stuff never matters and why not let professionals do it? Of course Buddha showed up with a concept already in mind and his team easily won with superior food. He won individually, again, of course, because he made two dishes and he knows what he's doing. Nicole made pasta ahead of time and then ended up in the weeds (possibly because she refused to make more than 6 dishes at a time) so she was sent home. (click for more)

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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Top Chef 5/4/23--"Restaurant Wars" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: we had two challenges that in my opinion should have been flipped. The Quickfire was making iconic street food from different countries, which I think would have been a great Elimination challenge. But the Elimination challenge was a product-placement mise en place race and then you had to make something with the mise en place ingredients. Dumb. Anyway, Buddha wins because of course he does, and then his team gets more proteins in the race but they lose to the team without any proteins at all. Tom won for roasted red peppers. The losing team didn't seem to really understand how the dishes were supposed to work (you had three ingredients and you should do one dish featuring each ingredient, not three dishes, each with all three). Charbel just did lamb which was boring, so he was sent home. (click for more)

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Top Chef 4/27/23--"Street Food Fight" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: everyone had to make a dish inspired by an emoji, which was dumb, because some of the emoji were food emoji and some were not. Buddha made a skull out of frozen coconut or whatever and he won. Then everyone had to make a dish that both sent a message (or had a message) and also could be eaten without utensils. So you can just make finger food if you want. Ali made a traditional dish, only meatless, with a good presentation, and he won. Dale tried to make mole, but his chicken was a weird texture. And honestly, the other people in the bottom were Victoire, who tried to make something from her native Africa, and Tom, who had a great idea but terrible execution. So Dale was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Top Chef 4/20/23--"Hands Off" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: Dale and Begoña battled to return to the competition, by making high tea for everyone else. Begoña left off a whole component from her towers, so she went home permanently and Dale returned to the competition with immunity. Then everyone split up into two teams to make fancy picnics. Buddha told his group to think of fancy canapes, which worked and they won. The other team made some weird dishes, like sandwiches with lemon posset, and “cold cioppino”. Sylwia and Tom were the bottom two, and then they had to battle to stay in the competition. (click for more)

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Friday, April 14, 2023

Top Chef 4/13/23--"Top Chef Is No Picnic" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the chefs had a Quickfire involving honey and mead, and making “celebratory” dishes. Tom made duck and some honey caviar and won immunity easily. Then they shipped everyone off to a vacation home to make a “family holiday feast”, served family style, for the Elimination Challenge. Tom was immediately volunteered for dessert, since he had immunity, and it was of course not great. Amar made lamb shanks he had had while on vacation, but which was certainly a special occasion dish, and he won. Begoña made “leftovers” which involved dry chicken and she was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, April 6, 2023

Top Chef 4/6/23--"Holiday Vacation" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the chefs had to make British biscuits, and Tom decided he didn't even want to try. But it was a Quickfire so who cares? Ali won immunity for having crispy biscuits. Then we made teams and went to Tottenham's stadium and cooked with British ingredients. If your team lost twice then you had to compete against each other, so that meant Gabri, Begoña, and Luciana had to fight it out. Luciana did the worst, so she was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Top Chef 3/30/23--"Spurred Lines" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: Tom and Gail showed up in the Stew Room to tell everyone they were going to go on a pub crawl instead of having a Quickfire. Most people knew something was up and took notes on the food they got. The Elimination Challenge asked chefs to pair up (randomly) and select a classic British pub dish to “elevate”. Some people were not familiar with any of this food. Buddha and Luciana took fish pie and deconstructed it, but kept the flavor, so they were the winners. May and Dale picked Scotch eggs, because May wanted to, and then Dale wouldn't listen to whatever idea she had, and then he didn't get them crispy so they were both eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Top Chef 3/23/23--"Cheeky Pints and Pub Bites" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the producers wisely kept the product placement to the Quickfire, meaning everyone had to make an amuse bouche that would fit on a Ritz. May was judged the overall winner, which she was very pleased by. Then everyone was asked to make a rice dish, to serve 100 people and the judges. There were successful risottos. Ali made a dish from his childhood, and won for his flavors and balance. Dawn didn't leave anything off her plates but she did serve crunchy rice instead of porridge so she was eliminated. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Top Chef 3/16/23--"Rice Rice, Baby" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: a new season started, in London, with winners and finalists from several of the Top Chef spinoffs. Looking forward to some fantastic international food. For the Quickfire everyone had to pair up and cook seafood. Someone tried to cook risotto in 30 minutes, and it went as well as you would expect. Dale and Sara won immunity with a well-balanced dish. The Elimination challenge asked for vegetable-forward dishes, which resulted in many dishes being dinged for having meats that were just there. Charbel basically served everyone an onion, and was given the win. Several people did not highlight vegetables, but Samuel didn't clean his shrimp so he was sent home. Or, to Last Chance Kitchen. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Top Chef 3/9/23--"London Calling" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: Buddha won a generally good season. Sometimes seasons are excellent and sometimes they are just boring, you know? Anyway, this is season 20 and it is subtitled “World All-Stars”. It's basically All-Stars but now we're acknowledging that other countries have their own version of this show and their own winners. Let's hope this cuts way down on the American judges “just not getting” people's regional cuisines. (click for more)

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