Thursday, April 30, 2020

Top Chef:All Stars 4/30/20--"Pitch Perfect" summary

Previously on “Top Chef”: the chefs were asked to use flour to make a dish, but none of it was all-purpose standard wheat. I feel like this challenge would have been way harder 3 or 4 years ago, but no one had any trouble with it this time. Gregory won some money with pancakes. Then they paired up (self-selected teams) to make dishes for the LA Philharmonic, each with a pair of flavor profiles. So salty/sweet, bitter/umami, whatever. Double elimination. The previews acted like Lee Anne and Malarkey were going to crash and burn, but they were fine. Kevin and Melissa won, but I think we all expected them to. Karen and Nini didn't have umami but sweet, because they used fresh tomatoes and not roasted. So they were eliminated. (click for more)
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Friday, April 24, 2020

Top Chef:All Stars 4/23/20--"Get Your Phil" summary

Previously on “Top Chef”: the loved ones came for a visit, to eat some good food and explain to the contestants over the phone what the dish looks and tastes like so they could replicate it. Kevin won, because even though his wife is not actually a chef, she has an eye for detail and a very sensitive palate. Then everyone had to make some kind of product to sell, sauce or whatever. Also make a dish showcasing it. Lee Anne's mom did get sick, and almost fainted, but it was not as immediately serious as the previews acted like. Melissa sold the most product, but Gregory was actually the winner for his pickles. Jen made ginger sauce but the texture was gritty and in her dish she mixed it with yogurt which diluted the flavor. So she was sent home. (click for more)
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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Top Chef:All Stars 4/16/20--"Bring Your Loved One to Work" summary

Previously on “Top Chef”: there was a bunch of product placement for a Quickfire. Colors. Whatever. Gregory won, which was nice mostly because Karen lost again. The Elimination challenge involved two teams, and shopping at the farmer's market. Everyone had to make vegetarian tasting menus. There was some minor drama with Lee Anne and Malarkey, because Lee Anne once again did poorly. Melissa won, with another soup. She's doing very well. Lisa was sent home for a weird lukewarm undercooked Brussels sprouts dish. (click for more)
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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Top Chef:All Stars 4/9/20--"You're So Fresh" summary

Previously on “Top Chef”: the Quickfire asked everyone to make fried rice with odd ingredients. It wasn't that weird, but it's a fun challenge. Kevin won, for making fried rice with hot dogs and hot Cheetos. He had immunity, which was great, because the Elimination challenge was to be inspired by art movements. No one really did a stellar job, because art movements are complicated. But there were some pretty dishes. Melissa won, with a gorgeous dish of lobster wontons. Karen was in the bottom, and she was salty because Kevin's dish was worse, but he had immunity. Forgetting the part where if Kevin hadn't been in her group, she still would have been up for elimination. However, Jamie's overcooked chicken and missing jus sent him home. (click for more)
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Friday, April 3, 2020

Top Chef:All Stars 4/2/20--"Strokes of Genius" summary

Previously on “Top Chef”: no Quickfire, because everyone was split up into small groups and sent out to small restaurants to be inspired. The event was honoring Jonathan Gold, a restaurant reviewer. Mostly people ate at ethnic restaurants, and they did skim over some of them which was sad, but it was cool to see. Kevin won, because Kevin is amazing. Eric was once again on the bottom for making East African food that the judges didn't like, but in the end, Angelo was eliminated for making a sweet broth that wasn't a dessert. (click for more)
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