Thursday, December 8, 2022

TAR 34, Recap Leg 10, 12/7/22


Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Just Keep Swimming!, 4 teams raced to Iceland, where David had to swim in multiple challenges, and that ultimately ended up in the dancers taking a penalty of two hours to end up checking in last, only to be eliminated. And then there were three: Molly and Emily, the long lost twins, reunited after 36 years apart; Derek and Claire, the couple who met on Big Brother a year ago; and Luis and Michelle, the fun loving husband and wife on one last adventure before they have kids. Who will win The Amazing Race 34? (click for more)

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

TAR 34, Recap Leg 9, 11/30/22


Welcome to Leg 9! Last time, on My Knee Still Hurts!, 5 teams continued to make their way through Spain. Emily’s knee is still causing her problems, and Aubrey and Claire are afraid of heights, but the Military Bros got too far behind to catch up to the injured twins, and are eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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