Monday, October 27, 2008

TAR13, Recap Leg 5, 10/26/08

Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on I Want a T-Shirt That Says “I’m With Fidel”, teams bounded backwards from La Paz to Auckland, New Zealand. Mom and Dad Evans and Team Superbad both raced for the Fast Forward, which was eventually won by Ken and Tina, in their third consecutive first place finish. The Bras and HSMs continue their feud, but neither really hurts the other as the Blondes finish WAY last and are told by Phil’s Dad that they are eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next?
(click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Ken/Tina, Team Mom and Dad Evans
2nd – Terence/Sarah, Team Asshat
3rd – Kelly/Christy, Team Missing Bra
4th – Toni/Dallas, Team Himbo
5th – Nick/Starr, Team HSM! *jazz hands*
6th – Andrew/Dan, Team Superbad
7th – Aja/Ty, Team Aw Hell

Summerhill, Te Puke, New Zealand

6:03 AM Ken/Tina (1st)
Clue: Fly 5600 miles to Siem Reap, Cambodia! Once there, travel to a roadside gas pumping station and find your next clue. You have $98 for this leg of the race.

Ken: “I feel like a kid again! This old man and old woman aren’t so old!” Tina: “Speak for yourself.” (Toyouke: “Hee.”)

8:19 AM Terence/Sarah (2nd) – and Terence gets pulled over for going 117 km/hr in a 100 km/h zone. I sense a penalty coming on.

9:32 AM Kelly/Christy (3rd)
10:15 AM Toni/Dallas (4th)
– Toni: “We need to race smarter, not harder.” Dallas: “I don’t even know where Cambodia is.” Toni: “You will soon enough, dear.” (Kmanpat: *sigh* “Cute but stupid.”)

11:34 AM Nick/Starr (5th) – By the way, in case you were wondering, Starr’s arm is not broken.

12:44 AM Andrew/Dan (6th)
3:04 PM Aja/Ty (7th)
– Ty: “I wouldn’t trade Aja for a Porche.” Um, OK.

Teams arrive at Auckland International Airport (after the three hour drive) in the following order:

1- Ken/Tina
2- Terence/Sarah
3- Kelly/Christy
4- Toni/Dallas
5- Nick/Starr
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

Teams choose flights to Siem Reap. All flights seem to go through Singapore and then on to Cambodia, but teams end up on three different flights:

Flight 1:
1) Ken/Tina
2) Terence/Sarah

Flight 2:
1) Kelly/Christy
2) Toni/Dallas
3) Nick/Starr
4) Andrew/Dan
– who almost end up on the third flight. Which would have actually made things a lot less predictable this episode, actually. . .

Flight 3:
1) Aja/Ty

Teams flight to Singapore, where the first two flights meet each other and all get on the flight to Siem Reap together.

So, teams arrive in Siem Reap and get their taxis in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Kelly/Christy
– but they get an idiot taxi driver who can’t read Cambodian.
4- Terence/Sarah
5- Ken/Tina
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

Teams finally find their way to the gas pumping station in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Terence/Sarah
4- Ken/Tina
5- Andrew/Dan
6- Kelly/Christy
7- Aja/Ty

Teams are then instructed to choose a truck and use a hand pump device to fill up the gas tank with 25 liters of diesel fuel. (Toyouke: “At least they can’t screw it up this time.”) Once the tank is full, they can get their clue from the attendant. This occurs in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Ken/Tina
4- Terence/Sarah
5- Kelly/Christy
6- Andrew/Dan
– who have the hardest time pumping gas. Says Ken: “It’s like pulling down your zipper and letting it flow.” Words of wisdom, that.
7- Aja/Ty

Teams are now instructed to jump in the back of their truck and tell their driver to take them to Siem Reap Harbor on Tonlé Sap, Asia’s largest lake. Teams are then instructed to take a marked boat to Kho Andeth, a floating restaurant. (Kmanpat: “And we know what that means – EATING CHALLENGE!”) Teams are driven to the lake and arrive at the boats in the following order:

1- Terence/Sarah – who lose their lead when their motor gets filled with water. Oops.
2- Ken/Tina
3- Toni/Dallas
4- Nick/Starr
5- Kelly/Christy
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

Teams now take their boats to Kho Andeth and arrive in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Ken/Tina
4- Terence/Sarah
5- Andrew/Dan
6- Kelly/Christy
– who get distracted by a Detour choice before they get to the restaurant.
7- Aja/Ty

And now, we get the Detour Clue.

Village Life OR Village Work

*Village Life: Teams must have their boat take them to three different locations in the village to pick up various items: a set of chattering teeth from the dentist, a handmade doll from the tailor, and a basketball from the floating basketball court (where each team member must make one basket before leaving). Teams then take the items back to the dock in order to get their next clue.
*Village Work: Teams must have their boat take them to a specific fishing grounds and wade in the water to find two traps full of fish, take them back to the dock, and transfer them to baskets to get their next clue.

1-Nick/Starr choose Village Work – in which Nick goes topless.
2-Toni/Dallas choose Village Work – in which Dallas goes topless. Dallas: “I’m scared of this water.” Toni: “Yo, wuss, it’s just mud.”
3-Ken/Tina choose Village Life
4-Terence/Sarah choose Village Life
– except they originally chose Village Work and stumbled across the other Detour first.
5-Andrew/Dan choose Village Work
6-Kelly/Christy choose Village Life
7-Aja/Ty choose Village Work

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Ken/Tina
3- Toni/Dallas
4- Terence/Sarah
5- Kelly/Christy
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

Teams are now instructed to choose a marked tuk-tuk and have the driver take them to Angkor Wat, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. (Kmanpat: “It’s also the only building pictured on any national flag.” Toyouke: “Dork.”)

Teams arrive at Angkor Wat in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Ken/Tina
3- Toni/Dallas
4- Terence/Sarah
5- Kelly/Christy
6- Andrew/Dan
– Dan: “It’s the original Playboy Mansion!”
7- Aja/Ty

And teams come to the fourth roadblock.

Who has a better sense of direction?

In this roadblock, one team member must enter the large and daunting temple and find a very small room called the Chamber of Echoes, and thump their chest in just the right spot to hear it echo throughout the chamber in order to get their next clue.

The following team members complete the Roadblock.

1- Nick
2- Tina
3- Dallas
4- Terence
5- Christy
6- Andrew
7- Ty

After much searching, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Nick/Starr
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Terence/Sarah
4- Kelly/Christy
5- Ken/Tina
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

Teams must now take their tuk-tuk to the Bayon Temple and search the grounds for the PIT STOP of the fifth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Nick/Starr – who win a trip for 2 to St. John.
2- Toni/Dallas
3- Terence/Sarah
4- Ken/Tina
5- Kelly/Christy
6- Andrew/Dan
7- Aja/Ty

And Aja and Ty are eliminated. As if you didn’t see that coming. Ty: “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else – I’m moving to LA!” Well, that’s nice.

1st – Nick/Starr
2nd – Toni/Dallas
3rd – Terence/Sarah
4th – Ken/Tina
5th – Kelly/Christy
6th – Andrew/Dan

With the emphasis on the now: you see, remember Terence’s ticket? Yeah, he’s getting a 30 minute penalty for that, and that’s being applied to the next leg. It did not affect the standings of this leg, though. Interesting.

Next week: Teams are en route to Dehli for some India fun! Dallas starts taking about drunk dialing with Starr, and the producers thing this means he’s flirting. I think he’s just trying to get closer to Nick. Oh, and Tina finally causes Ken to crack; I knew that would happen once they stopped coming in first. Until next time. . .

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