Monday, March 3, 2014

TAR24, Recap Leg 2, 3/2/14

Welcome to Leg 2! Last time, on Why Do Even Number Get to Have All the Fun?, teams raced from Los Angeles to Guangzhou China.  We find out the winning team of the leg gets two Express Passes, one to use and one to give away.  We also find out that Bopper was too ill to race, so Mallory has stepped in in his place.  But the Cowboys get off to a rousing start, and get the two Express Passes, and the Twinnies manage to fight themselves out of the race.  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Jet/Cord, The Cowboys
2nd – Brendon/Rachel, Team Brenchel
3rd – Dave/Connor, Team LIVESTRONG
4th – Margie/Luke, Team ASL Rainbow
5th – Leo/Jamal, The Afghanimals
6th – Mark/Mallory, Franken-Team Kentucky
7th – Flight Time/Big Easy, The Globetrotters
8th – Caroline/Jennifer, The Country Singers
9th – Joey/Meghan, The YouTubers
10th – Jessica/John, Cocky YDC

Guangzhou Opera House, Guangzhou, China

8:16 AM Jet/Cord (1st)
Clue: Make your way to the Chen Clan Academy.  Stand in front of the master to get your next clue.

(Toyouke: “I hate that we're not even going to pretend that the pit stop is 12 hours anymore.”)  And somehow, this prompts Jet and Cord to begin running toward the Academy, even though it is fifty minutes ON FOOT.  Oh language barriers.

8:23 AM Brendon/Rachel (2nd) – (Toyouke: “Why does Rachel have a tiny backpack and not a normal one like everyone else? I hate her.”)
8:39 AM Margie/Luke (3rd) – who somehow managed to get in front of. . .
8:46 AM Dave/Connor (4th) – which explains why we never saw what number Phil signed to ASL Rainbow last week.
8:53 AM Leo/Jamal (5th)
8:56 AM Mark/Mallory (6th)
8:57 AM Flight Time/Big Easy (7th)
9:09 AM Joey/Meghan (8th)
9:13 AM Jessica/John (9th)
9:19 AM Caroline/Jennifer (10th) – who have inexplicably dropped to last place.

So teams then get in a taxi or find the train to make their way to Chen Clan Academy.  Or if you’re the Cowboys, by foot.  Anyway, teams arrive clue in the following order:

1- Brendon/Rachel
2- Dave/Connor
3- Margie/Luke 
4- Leo/Jamal 
5- Mark/Mallory
6- Flight Time/Big Easy
7- Joey/Meghan
8- Jessica/John
9- Caroline/Jennifer
10- Jet/Cord

Teams now, one at a time, watch the Tai Chi performance and get the clue from the master when he stamps it on their forehead.  Teams get the clue in the following order:

1- Brendon/Rachel
2- Dave/Connor
3- Margie/Luke 
4- Leo/Jamal 
5- Mark/Mallory
6- Flight Time/Big Easy
7- Joey/Meghan
8- Jessica/John
9- Caroline/Jennifer
10- Jet/Cord

Teams are then charged to figure out that the clue on their forehead is sending them to Edaytown Mall and find the Children’s Play Park to get their next clue.  Teams arrive and get their clue in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Margie/Luke
3- Leo/Jamal 
4- Brendon/Rachel 
5- Mark/Mallory
6- Flight Time/Big Easy
7- Joey/Meghan
8- Jessica/John
9- Jet/Cord
10- Caroline/Jennifer

And once they arrive, teams get the second roadblock clue.


Who's the mechanic?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must put together a children’s car completely using instructions in Chinese.  Once completed correctly, the toy soldier will give them their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Dave
2- Margie
3- Jamal
4- Brendon
5- Mark
6- Flight Time
7- Meghan
8- John
9- Jet
10- Caroline

(Toyouke: “How come our malls don't have kick-ass play parks like this?”)  During the challenge, Jennifer tries to work her magic on Cord to get the second Express Pass, because she’s convinced that he will give to her.  (Toyouke: “Oh yes. Let me give you, the ONE TEAM that is behind me, an Express Pass. So you can leave me in last place. That's a great idea.  I don't blame her for trying though.”)  Wisely, he waits until Jet is done with the Roadblock to make the decision, and they give them the Express Pass, which they immediately use to bypass the Roadblock.

After much car building, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Mark/Mallory
2- Margie/Luke
3- Dave/Connor 
4- Leo/Jamal 
5- Brendon/Rachel
6- Jet/Cord
7- Caroline/Jennifer – who use the Express Pass to bypass the challenge.
8- Flight Time/Big Easy
9- Joey/Meghan
10- Jessica/John

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Guangzhou Children’s Cultural Center and deliver the cars.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Mark/Mallory – who realize that Mallory has left Mark’s bag at Edaytown.  He decides he wants his stuff and they go back before heading to the next clue.  (Toyouke: “Hmm. So this is an interesting dilemma. They have all his paperwork, and medications. So what is actually missing, just clothes? I guess the conflict is that he wants his stuff and she doesn't care about stuff.”)
2- Margie/Luke
3- Dave/Connor 
4- Brendon/Rachel  
5- Caroline/Jennifer
6- Jet/Cord
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Flight Time/Big Easy
9- Joey/Meghan
10- Jessica/John

And we get the Detour Clue.

Feather Ball OR China Cup
*Feather Ball: Teams must travel to Liwanhu Park and participate in a hackey sack style game by making 10 successful passes of the shuttlecock to get their next clue.  Be sure to use teams with a red and yellow shuttlecock.
*China Cup: Teams participate in the traditional Chinese therapy of fire cupping to get their next clue.

1- Margie/Luke choose Feather Ball
2- Dave/Connor choose Feather Ball
3- Brendon/Rachel choose Feather Ball
4- Caroline/Jennifer choose Feather Ball
5- Jet/Cord choose Feather Ball
6- Leo/Jamal choose Feather Ball
7- Flight Time/Big Easy choose Feather Ball
8- Mark/Mallory choose Feather Ball
9- Joey/Meghan choose Feather Ball
10- Jessica/John choose Feather Ball

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Caroline/Jennifer
3- Margie/Luke 
4- Jet/Cord 
5- Brendon/Rachel
6- Flight Time/Big Easy
7- Leo/Jamal 
8- Joey/Meghan
9- Jessica/John
10- Mark/Mallory

Teams find now that they must travel to Shamian Island Promenade, the PIT STOP of the second leg of this racearoundtheworld.  (Toyouke: “Oh look, China has creepy bronze statues of kids just like the kind you can buy at Gringo Jones!”)  The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!

This turns into a foot race between the first seven teams, in one of the fastest finishes at a pit stop ever.

1- Brendon/Rachel – in their first ever first place finish on the race, win $2500 each.
2- Margie/Luke
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Dave/Connor – who Phil tries to check in as team five, but they quickly correct him.  As do the on screen chyrons.
5- Flight Time/ Big Easy
6- Jet/Cord 
7- Leo/Jamal  
8- Jessica/John 
9- Joey/Meghan
10- Mark/Mallory

And Team Kentucky is out.  The whole cast came back out to the mat to applaud Mark and Mallory for racing under such complicated conditions.

1st – Brendon/Rachel
2nd – Margie/Luke
3rd – Caroline/Jennifer
4th – Dave/Connor
5th – Flight Time/Big Easy
6th – Jet/Cord
7th – Leo/Jamal
8th – Jessica/John
9th – Joey/Meghan

Next week: Off to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia!  There are waterfalls, dancing, and canoeing.  Can Rachel go another leg without crying?  Until next time!

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