Monday, October 29, 2012

TAR21, Recap Leg 5, 10/28/12

Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on Go Long and Strong and Hard in This Muslim Country, Twinnie!, teams raced from Indonesia to Bangladesh.  Nadiya was loud.  James and Abba collected rats.  And Gary and Will find themselves eliminated after being too slow and lost.  Who will be eliminated. . . next?  (Toyouke: “I can't believe it's ON TIME.”) (click for more)

Arrival at the Pit Stop last episode:
1st – James/Abba, Team Rock of Ages
2nd – Abbie/Ryan, Sparkly YDC
3rd – Natalie/Nadiya, Bollywood Twins 
4th – Josh/Brent, The Fabulous Beekman Boys 
5th – Rob/Kelley, The Monster Truckers
6th – Jaymes/James, Team Eye Candy 
7th – Trey/Lexi, Sporty YDC 

Shambazar Chan Mia Ghat, Dhaka, Bangladesh

7:39 AM James/Abba (1st)
Clue: Travel by taxi to Jatrabari Market and find the eggplant vendor to get your next clue.  You have $1 for this leg of the race.

We find out that James’ dad has Stage Four cancer.  Prayers to them.  (Toyouke: “Oh, James. Stage IV is horrible. I'm sorry.”)

9:41 AM Abbie/Ryan (2nd) – Ryan wants to beat Dave and Rachel’s record of eight first place finishes from TAR 20.  (Toyouke: “Shut up, Ryan. The season is boring if the same team wins all the legs.”)
9:42 AM Natalie/Nadiya (3rd) 
10:53 AM Josh/Brent (4th) – who have been together for 14 years.
10:59 AM Rob/Kelley (5th) – Kelley: “I’m a professional barrel racer!”
11:10 AM Jaymes/James (6th)
11:34 AM Trey/Lexi (7th)

Teams arrive at Jatrabari Market in the following order:

1- James/Abba 
2- Natalie/Nadiya
3- Abbie/Ryan
4- James/Jaymes  
5- Rob/Kelley
6- Josh/Brent – who can’t seem to find the marked taxi stand.  (Toyouke: “I hope the Beekmans find the taxi soon.”)
7- Trey/Lexi

Teams get the Eggplant Vendor Clue in the following order:

1- James/Abba 
2- Natalie/Nadiya
3- Abbie/Ryan
4- James/Jaymes  
5- Rob/Kelley
6- Josh/Brent
7- Trey/Lexi

Teams are now told to make their way to Ferry Ghat Road and make their way under the bridge to find the next clue.  Team get their clue in the following order:

1- James/Abba 
2- Abbie/Ryan
3- Natalie/Nadiya
4- Rob/Kelley  
5- Jaymes/James
6- Josh/Brent
7- Trey/Lexi
Teams now get the sixth roadblock clue.

It ain’t heavy, it’s a Roadblock.

In this roadblock, roadblockers must build a traditional Bangladeshi scale correctly.  Then, using sticks and stones, teams need to get the scale to balance to receive the next clue.

(Toyouke: “Um, I have news for you Phil. They use scales to value their goods EVERYWHERE.  Auburnium0513: “Damn, you have to build the stupid scale? That would be my issue. I don't think I'd be tall enough to build the thing.”  Kmanpat: “I’m just impressed at how many women took the challenge.”)

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- James L.
2- Abbie
3- Nadiya
4- Kelley
5- Jaymes
6- Brent
7- Trey

After much scale building and balancing, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- James/Abba 
2- Natalie/Nadiya
3- Abbie/Ryan
4- Jaymes/James  
5- Trey/Lexi
6- Rob/Kelley
7- Josh/Brent

And we get the Detour Clue.  (Toyouke: “Is this the first leg like, ever, where it's the leg after a Fast Forward and they DIDN'T have massive bunching?”)

Straw Dogs OR Bamboo Jungle 

*Straw Dogs: Teams travel to Latif Bawani Jute Mill to help to manufacture jute bags by whipping 20 jute coils on nails to separate the pieces, carrying a bale to a machine, and getting their next clue at the end of production.
*Bamboo Jungle: Teams travel to Tarabo Bazaar and pick up 40 bamboo poles of specific lengths.  Once all the poles are loaded on a bicycle rickshaw, teams deliver bamboo to a construction site to get their next clue.

1- James/Abba choose Bamboo Jungle – (Toyouke: “Is it bad that I knew James and Abba simply hadn't found the bamboo yet, as opposed to their walking by and not seeing it, because there was no lingering shot of the flags with the Fail Clang?”)
2- Natalie/Nadiya choose Bamboo Jungle – (Auburnium0513: “Lord, the twins are hard on the cameras, first they run into a camera, then they smack a camera with bamboo.”)
3- Abbie/Ryan choose Straw Dogs – Ryan: “We’re using jute force.”
4- Jaymes/James choose Bamboo Jungle – who manage to forget some of their poles.  (Toyouke: “Oo, they have to go all the way to the place before they find out if they have the right bamboo? “)
5- Trey/Lexi choose Bamboo Jungle 
6- Rob/Kelley choose Bamboo Jungle 
7- Josh/Brent choose Bamboo Jungle – who find a goat.  Josh: “Give me strength, goat!”
(Auburnium0513: “Why the hell is everyone picking bamboo?”)

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- James/Abba 
2- Abbie/Ryan
3- Natalie/Nadiya
4- Rob/Kelley  
5- Trey/Lexi
6- Jaymes/James
7- Josh/Brent

Teams now get a clue with the picture of Lok Shilpa Jadughar, the PIT STOP of the fifth leg of this racearoundtheworld.   The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

Teams get to their boats in the following order:

1- James/Abba – who win a trip for 2 to Malaysia.
2- Abbie/Ryan
3- Natalie/Nadiya
4- Rob/Kelley  
5- Trey/Lexi
6- Jaymes/James
7- Josh/Brent – Josh: “"I'd lay down and die next to you"  (Toyouke and Auburnium0513: “AWWW!”)

And Josh and Brent are last.  However, this is the first of the three non-elimination legs and they are still in the race.  They will have to perform a Speed Bump on the next leg.

1st – James/Abba 
2nd – Abbie/Ryan
3rd – Natalie/Nadiya 
4th – Rob/Kelley
5th – Trey/Lexi
6th – Jaymes/James
7th – Josh/Brent

Next week: Istanbul!  Team have to sell things that look like beverages.  And we go to the Turkish baths. . . so, naked people!  (Toyouke: “ least there's nudity.”)  Until next time!

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