Monday, July 8, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 12, 6/26/19

Welcome to Leg 12! Last time, on The Other Teams Hate Us Because We’re Not an Amazing Race Team, 4 teams raced to London, England. Teams helicoptered to Dover, where Christie couldn’t do a task on her own, and then let Colin row them back into the race. Teams memorized London streets and completed a surprise task from Phil at the Pit Stop. The Afghanimals broke their Leg 11 Curse by winning the leg, but Nicole and Victor were eliminated. Which leaves us with Leo and Jamal, the cousins from TAR 23 and TAR 24, dubbed the Afghanimals, who have broken all Amazing Race records by competing in their 34th leg; Tyler and Korey, the friends and YouTubers who finished third in TAR 28 and are racing in their second final; and Colin and Christie, the now married couple who finished second as a dating couple in TAR 5 and have been long awaited in their return. (Toyouke: “OMG this is intense even though I don't mind who wins. “) Three teams remain. Who will win The Amazing Race 31? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
2nd – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
3rd – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!

Camden Market, London, England, United Kingdom

3:53 AM Leo/Jamal (1st)
Clue: Fly to your FINAL DESTINATION CITY, Detroit, Michigan, USA! Once there, find the Spirit of Detroit to get your next clue.

(Toyouke: “Detroit? DETROIT!?!?!?! And you won't come here?!?!”) Leo and Jamal remind us that they have now broken all the Amazing Race records.

4:13 AM Tyler/Korey (2nd) – who remind us that they were born, raised and went to school in Michigan.
4:29 AM Colin/Christie (3rd) - who view the race as running it now with wisdom that they didn’t have fifteen years ago.

Teams make their way to London Heathrow Airport. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie

Teams all end up on the same flight and the Amazing Orange Line deposits them at Detroit Metropolitan in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie

Teams make their way to the Spirit of Detroit and arrive in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie

When they rip open the clue, teams get the twelfth and final roadblock.


Who’s good with numbers?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must rappel 500 feet down the Guardian Building face first while looking for numbers in the windows. The numbers form a combination (07-24-17-01) that the roadblocker then takes to the basement of the building in order to open a bank vault with their next clue inside.

(Toyouke: “I didn't even think about how the stupid slow elevator would mess up things.”)

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Leo – who misreads the instructions to opening the lock. As a result, this is the last we see of the Afghanimals for most of the episode, as it becomes a two team race. (Toyouke: “This is kind of heartbreaking but giving up is maybe not the best idea.”)
2- Tyler – (Toyouke: “Don't choke on this Roadblock like the last time, Tyler. Although the fact that Tyler is too small to even be able to open a bank vault is hilarious.”)
3- Colin – who is apparently afraid of heights. (Toyouke: “This seems less a "face-forward rappel" and "let the guys up top determine how fast you go" which is slightly suspicious.”)

After much rappelling and combination entering, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie – who then struggle to find their cab.
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to travel to the Fowling Warehouse (pronounced like bowling with an f) in Hamtramck for their next task. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin Christie
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to play a round of fowling, which is like cornhole with bowling pins and a football. Once teams knock down all of their pins, they can blow the horn and get their next clue. (Toyouke: “What kind of drunken Midwestern bs lawn game is this.“) So teams complete the fowling challenge in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey – (Toyouke: “Also? It's telling (and heartwarming) that Tyler and Korey's cab driver likes them enough that he's buying into the Race. They said "We need to go!" and he hustled. Contrast that to whoever was in Oakland that time and their driver shrugged and said "What do I care, I'm not getting a million dollars.”") Tyler: “We’re just two jocks being bros" (Toyouke: “You're only any good at this because it's vaguely like cornhole.”)
2- Colin Christie
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to make their way back to Detroit and find the Heidelberg Project to get their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin Christie
3- Leo/Jamal

In this unaired task, teams now search the Heidelberg Project for their next clue in one of the hundreds of Amazing Race Clue Boxes throughout the art installation. Teams find their clues in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin Christie
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to make their way to Third Man Records to get their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin Christie
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to make records. Teams must press five records that are half red and half yellow without significant bleeding. Teams complete the task in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Leo/Jamal

(Toyouke: “If this comes down to making records...actually it wasn't that hard of a task? So they shouldn't have screwed up. This final leg feels weird. Was there supposed to be a Detour and they ended up making them do both sides? No memory task? It feels off but at the same time I don't mind that much somehow?”) Teams are now instructed to travel to Hart Plaza and search the musicians to find their next clue. Teams arrive at Hart Plaza and find their next clue in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams are now instructed to assemble a five piece drum kit from scratch while the musicians play “Seven Nations Army” on repeat. (Toyouke: “This is much more exciting than when someone gets a cab immediately from the airport and then no one sees each other for the entire leg.”) Teams complete their drum kits in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie – after flipping on wrongly flipped connecting piece.
2- Tyler/Korey – after finding a misplaced washer on the ground and checking all the angles.
3- Leo/Jamal

Teams find now that they must now travel to Fort Wayne, the FINISH LINE of this racearoundtheworld. The first team to arrive will WIN the Amazing Race!

1- Colin/Christie
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Leo/Jamal – (Toyouke: “So at least they weren't so far behind that they were told to skip tasks.”)

18 cities, 10 countries, over 25000 miles, Colin and Christie, you are the winners of The Amazing Race 31! (Toyouke: “That is a serious redemption. It's a little weirdo touchy-feely but honestly you can't argue the results.”) And. . .that’s about it.

1st – Colin/Christie
2nd – Tyler/Korey
3rd – Leo/Jamal
4th – Nicole/Victor
5th – Becca/Floyd
6th – Chris/Bret
7th – Rachel/Elissa
8th – Janelle/Britney
9th – Corinne/Eliza
10th – Rupert/Laura
11th – Art/JJ

Next season: TAR 32! It has been confirmed that this season taped in November 2018, so we should have it soon, as well as recaps galore! Until next season!


Cyranetta said...

Thanks for all the recaps and look forward to the next ones...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FYI update -

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The 32nd season of the Emmy-winning reality series The Amazing Race will premiere on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 9 p.m. ET. . . . The Amazing Race 32 is currently slotted to come on Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT on CBS this fall.