Sunday, July 28, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"I Know What You Did" summary s6e4

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: Jay came home to Pennsylvania with Ashley, and no one really addressed the fact that he's the only black man in the whole neighborhood. No one mentioned Ashley's kids, and Jay was super dramatic about the cold. Steven arrived in Russia, and he and Olga bought a bunch of stuff they'll need for the baby. Olga doesn't really have family (she implied she grew up in an orphanage), so there isn't that drama. Steven doesn't understand how due dates work, and he's irritated that he maybe won't have as much time with Olga as he thought. Also he is determined to be in the room when his son is born, even though that's not the way Russia works. Reina isn't super thrilled about Eric and Eric's life, but Leida said she doesn't have a plan B. She also reiterated that she doesn't like that Eric pays alimony. Larissa arrived at Colt's house and proceeded to shit on everything. Mom was very unhappy, and Colt was his usual condescending self and blew off her concerns. In the morning Larissa cooked, even though she claimed she lied about her cooking skills, and she tried to impress Mom with the cooking. But I don't think she was fooled. Also I looked it up and Brazil is indeed a country where breakfast is light and simple (the phrase for “breakfast” is literally translated “morning coffee”) so that's why she was saying he eats lunch for breakfast or whatever. Fernanda went shopping with Dani, who promised her that Jonathan was just an idiot, but that Fernanda is not dumb or naive for being upset about finding a thong. Fernanda also talked to her family, who can't get visas to come for the wedding, which is really sad. Asuelu and Kalani had a super awkward dinner with her family, where he apologized for not being around earlier, and her dad sort of grudgingly agreed he's trying. But her sister Kolini is still pissed, only now she says it's because she's been Oliver's dad and Asuelu is taking her spot. (click for more)
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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"Rough Landings" summary s6e3

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: Larissa arrived in Las Vegas and proceeded to harass Colt because he didn't bring her flowers. Then she complained about his car and how she doesn't want to live in Vegas because it's not like the movies. His mom is worried their relationship will change, but at the same time she gets that it needs to because that's how it works when your kids grow up. Fernanda and Jonathan made up after their first fight, and he introduced her to his friends, who were not the best but not as terrible as the previews pretended they were. They at least are acting like they want to be supportive of Jonathan. Steven had a summer fling with Olga, who is from Russia, and she got pregnant. Because his dad died when he was young, he is very determined that he be involved in his son's life, which includes taking his first plane flight ever to Russia so he can be present for his son's birth. He admitted he wouldn't be getting married if Olga wasn't pregnant. Olga currently does not have her visa, which is why he was preparing to go to Russia. Asuelu arrived in California, and did a “special dance” in the airport and Kalani was mortified. He was fascinated by the freeway, and skyscrapers, and the Airbnb they're staying in. Asuelu also really tried to bond with his son. Eric picked up Leida and her sister and son in New York, and took them to Pennsylvania so they could see some of the country before heading to Wisconsin. Leida's sister Reina is here to make sure Eric isn't a serial killer or whatever, and her parents are flying out to make sure of the same thing. Leida was clearly not happy about not having servants. Ashley flew to Jamaica to give Jay support for his final interview, and he was granted his visa. (click for more)
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Sunday, July 14, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"Young and Restless" summary s6e2

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: I feel terrible for watching this show, but I also need to watch this entire season now to see what happens. We were introduced to our couples (but not all of the couples). Ashley has been cheated on in every relationship she's ever had, but she trusts that Jay will stop sleeping around once he comes to the US and marries her. Her best friend Natalie said she has proof he's been cheating on Ashley, but Ashley declared that she didn't care what he was doing while in Jamaica. Colt is a software engineer who lives with his mom, who is every software engineer you know, who believes a hot Brazilian girl loves and wants to marry him. Meanwhile, she is telling him if he really loved her, he'd buy her several plane tickets and also do things like work out every day and shave his beard. Colt does not see these red flags. Jonathan, party boy, met Fernanda in Mexico and they fell in love. Hilariously, even though he has bought her breast implants, I feel they have the healthiest relationship. They both started their relationship because they thought the other one was hot, they know the other one has history and accept that. This is the only couple that met in person by the end of last episode, and this is complicated by the fact that Jonathan has not cleaned out his house and Fernanda found his ex's underwear in a drawer. But she's mad because she asked him to clean, not because it exists! And he knows he fucked up! Healthy! (click for more)
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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"The Clock is Tickin'" summary s6e1

I have never watched this show. But Smila001 asked if I would look at it, and I did ask for bad reality shows. If you've never heard of this show, “90 Day Fiance” refers to the “fiance visa”. You can enter the US to get married, but the visa expires after 90 days. So by the end of that you either need to be married to a US citizen, or you go back home to wherever. So it's moving in and changing your long-distance relationship to a regular one, but with added pressure. Also a caveat: I have no idea about the legality and/or realism of this type of visa. As far as I know, there is some scrutiny from the government, to make sure it's not a fake marriage. Judging from the preview, no one here is trying to do that at all, so maybe all the scrutiny is before the visa is issued? My sister is married to a British man, but he came over here first on a work/student visa, so I don't think they ever dealt with this type of visa at all. Also they got to know each other without that deadline. (click for more)
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Monday, July 8, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 12, 6/26/19

Welcome to Leg 12! Last time, on The Other Teams Hate Us Because We’re Not an Amazing Race Team, 4 teams raced to London, England. Teams helicoptered to Dover, where Christie couldn’t do a task on her own, and then let Colin row them back into the race. Teams memorized London streets and completed a surprise task from Phil at the Pit Stop. The Afghanimals broke their Leg 11 Curse by winning the leg, but Nicole and Victor were eliminated. Which leaves us with Leo and Jamal, the cousins from TAR 23 and TAR 24, dubbed the Afghanimals, who have broken all Amazing Race records by competing in their 34th leg; Tyler and Korey, the friends and YouTubers who finished third in TAR 28 and are racing in their second final; and Colin and Christie, the now married couple who finished second as a dating couple in TAR 5 and have been long awaited in their return. (Toyouke: “OMG this is intense even though I don't mind who wins. “) Three teams remain. Who will win The Amazing Race 31? (click for more)
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TAR 31, Recap Leg 11, 6/26/19

Welcome to Leg 11! Last time, on It’s Always a Single Cracked Egg That Will Send You Home, 5 teams raced to Kampen, Netherlands. A surprise U-Turn pitted Nic and Vic against Team Fun, and Team Fun’s inability to check for cracked eggs meant they were sent to the back of the pack. Colin and Christie pulled off their second leg win of the race, and Becca and Floyd were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)
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TAR 31, Recap Leg 10, 6/19/19

Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Triple Bald Snarks Never Pay Off, 6 teams raced to the new Amazing Race City of Split, Croatia. Nic and Vic caught a standby flight that paid off and put them in the middle of the pack. Bromance was in the lead for the first time, only to be stymied by a Detour. GayTube managed to win their fourth leg, and the significant time spent on the Detour sent Chris and Bret packing. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)
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