Sunday, June 16, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 9, 6/12/19

Welcome to Leg 9! Last time, on You Shouldn’t Have U-Turned Us Because That Means We’ll Lose!, 7 teams continued racing through Switzerland. Teams faced a Double U-Turn, but had to vote for who they thought should take it. Colin and Christie and the Reilly sisters got U-Turned and Nic and Vic had a Speed Bump. Once the dust settled, Gaytube finished in first for the third leg in a row, and the Reilly sisters can’t recover from shooting an apple off of a scarecrow, so they are eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
2nd – Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
3rd – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
4th – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm
5th – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests
6th – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals

Grand Hotel Glessbach, Brienz, Switzerland

4:19 PM Tyler/Korey (1st)
Clue: Take the train back to Zurich and catch a flight to Split, Croatia! You must purchase your flight to Split in the Zurich Airport. Once there, make your way to Bacvice Beach and find Caffe Bar Zbirac to get your next clue in order to meet up with the Travelocity Roaming Gnome.

(Toyouke: “Stupid gnome. So they told them what airline to use but I guess they can pick different flights?”) Tyler: “Croatia? I barely know her!”

4:26 PM Chris/Bret (2nd)
4:49 PM Colin/Christie (3rd) – Colin: “Alright, let’s Split!”

And no more times for me.

Becca/Floyd (4th)
Nicole/Victor (5th)
Leo/Jamal (6th)

Teams make their way to the train station in Brienz and get on the following trains:

Train 1
1) Tyler/Korey
2) Chris/Bret

Train 2
1) Colin/Christie
2) Becca/Floyd
3) Nicole/Victor
4) Leo/Jamal

Teams take their train and arrive at Zurich Airport in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Colin/Christie

So teams now vie for flights. Apparently there are two agents and somehow Nic and Vic are in line for both, but Team Fun gets in ahead of them, and then steals a flight from them? I don’t know, this drama seemed contrived. (Toyouke: “OK I didn't miss obnoxious begging and harassment of airline workers. I don't know if you can claim to be in some general line but stand directly behind only one person. Or you could have been rude and said WE WERE HERE FIRST and shoved them if it was that important.”)

So teams get the following flights.

Flight 1, via Berlin, arrives 11:20 AM
1) Tyler/Korey
2) Chris/Bret

Flight 2, via Dusseldorf, arrives 11:30 AM
1) Nicole/Victor – which is the last flight available, but they have to fly standby. (Toyouke: “OK you're ahead but you have to risk standby.”) And then they get the tickets. (Toyouke: “Lucky. Also I have the feeling they're going to be really obnoxious about how they were rewarded for not cheating.”)

Flight 3, via Hamburg, arrives 12:25 PM
1) Leo/Jamal
2) Colin/Christie
3) Becca/Floyd

In a bad turn of events, the Hamburg flight gets delayed by 90 minutes, so it actually lands in Split around 2 pm.

Teams arrive in Split in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Colin/Christie

Teams now make their way by taxi to Caffe Bar Zbirac on Bacvice Beach. They arrive at the Bar in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Colin/Christie

TASK: Serve ‘Em Up!

Teams are instructed to pick up 2 trays of 3 drinks and deliver them to beachgoers that have a Roaming Gnome. Teams pick up their gnomes and return to the Bar in order to get their clue.

Teams deliver drinks and return to the bar with their gnomes to get their clues in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey – Tyler: “Once I saw a bearded buddy and I said, hey, I gnome!”
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Leo/Jamal – (Toyouke: “Only the Afghanimals would try to give booze to random people.”)
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Colin/Christie

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Marjan Cave Church. Once there, teams must use a pulley to help the gnome deliver a loaf of bread to a monk, who will than lower down the next clue. (Toyouke: “If this isn't EXACTLY what Dragon Chow was.”) Teams arrive at the church in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Colin/Christie

And teams get their clues in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Colin/Christie

And we get the Detour Clue.


Poetry in Motion OR Washed in From the Ocean

For this Detour, all teams must take their taxi to Kasjuni Beach and change into swimwear.

*Poetry in Motion: Teams must ride a large flying tube pulled by a speedboat. While riding, teams must memorize a poem. Once the ride is complete, teams must recite the poem perfectly to a poetry master. If correct, teams get their next clue. If not, teams must ride the tube again in order to try again.
*Washed in From the Ocean: Teams must put on snorkeling gear and use a metal detector to find a goblet and five ancient coins washed in from a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. Once all items are collected, teams get their next clue.

1- Chris/Bret choose Washed in From the Ocean – and are doing a pretty good job by managing to find the goblet and 3 coins quickly. And then they get stuck. So they Bald Snark to Poetry in Motion. After trying it once, they decide that they already have two-thirds of the other Detour, so they Double Bald Snark back to Washed in From the Ocean. And then the third flight arrives at the Detour. Once realizing that they might be last, they pull the rare Triple Bald Snark and head back to Poetry in Motion. Which they eventually complete.
2- Tyler/Korey choose Washed in From the Ocean – but find nothing, so they Bald Snark to Poetry in Motion, which is what prompts Team Bromance to make their first Bald Snark.
3- Nicole/Victor choose Poetry in Motion
4- Becca/Floyd choose Poetry in Motion
5- Leo/Jamal choose Poetry in Motion
6- Colin/Christie choose Washed in From the Ocean – but find nothing, so they Bald Snark to Poetry in Motion, which is what prompts Team Bromance to make their third Bald Snark.

Much poetry memorizing and treasure hunting ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor – on their seventh attempt.
2- Tyler/Korey – on their fourth attempt.
3- Becca/Floyd – on their fourth attempt.
4- Colin/Christie – on their fourth attempt. (Toyouke: “Colin and Christie are hilarious. They would never have gotten that into it back in the day.”) And then proceed to leave their gnome in the changing room.
5- Leo/Jamal – on their eleventh attempt, because Leo doesn’t know the difference between can and could.
6- Chris/Bret – on their tenth attempt, which they complete after Colin and Christie went to the Roadblock, realized they forgot their gnome, retrieved their gnome and completed the roadblock.

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Diocletian’s Palace. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Colin/Christie
6- Chris/Bret

When they rip open the clue, teams get the tenth roadblock.


Who’s ready to get their marching orders?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must dress in ancient Roman garb and go to the Senator’s room and stand behind a podium. Once there, they must watch a troop of 18 Roman soldiers march in formation. Five of the soldiers have red headbands, and at the end of the march, the roadblocker must determine where those soldiers ended up. If the senator determines they are correct, they get their next clue. If not, they must repeat the task.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Korey – who works with . . .
2- Nicole
3- Floyd – who, as we are reminded, was a drum major and had to pay attention to formations.
4- Leo – who works with . . .
5- Christie
6- Bret

After much shell game action, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Chris/Bret

Teams are now instructed to make their way to dock and find the marked dinghies. Teams arrive at the dinghies in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Chris/Bret

Teams are now instructed to row themselves to Matejuska Pier, the PIT STOP of the ninth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!

1- Tyler/Korey – who win a trip for two to Riviera Maya, Mexico. Including a Cirque de Soleil show!
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Beca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Chris/Bret

And Chris and Bret are the last team to arrive and eliminated. Chris thinks the Race is challenging and very rewarding.

1st – Tyler/Korey
2nd – Nicole/Victor
3rd – Becca/Floyd
4th – Colin/Christie
5th – Leo/Jamal

Next week: There’s boating in the Netherlands. Another Double U-Turn. And the return of a challenge in a Switchback from TAR12 and TAR21 – Fierljeppen! Until next time!

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