Sunday, June 2, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 5, 5/22/19

Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on We Can’t Be Bothered To Show A Task That Created More Drama Than This Show Has Had in a While, 9 teams continued to wander about Vietnam. The Reilly sisters decided to create drama with the female Survivors culminating in a showdown at an unaired Head To Head. Colin and Christie came in first for the first time since their six first place finishes in TAR 5, showing that older does not necessarily mean weaker. And it’s the Survivors who are out and are extremely bitter about it. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
2nd – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests
3rd – Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
4th – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm
5th – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
6th – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
7th – Janelle and Britney, The Friendly Houseguests
8th – Rachel and Elissa, The Houseguest Sisters

Tâm Vu Park, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

1:46 AM Colin/Christie (1st)
Clue: Fly 3200 miles to the largest city in the Middle East: Dubai, United Arab Emirates! Once there, make your way to the Al Faqa Desert and take part in a Supercar tailgate party to get your next clue.

Colin and Christie are happy that they were able to prove that they can still win a leg after fifteen years.

2:10 AM Nicole/Victor (2nd) – They remind us that they have three second place finishes, and that they are truly now an Amazing Race team.
2:25 AM Chris/Bret (3rd) – They promise to carry on the Survivor Spirit, whatever that is.
3:01 AM Becca/Floyd (4th)
3:27 AM Tyler/Korey (5th) – who remind us that they’ve already raced camels and given Bedouin kisses in Dubai.
3:50 AM Leo/Jamal (6th) – who are super excited to be this close to the motherland! (Toyouke: “Shut up Afghanimals.”)
4:16 AM Janelle/Britney (7th)
4:40 AM Rachel/Elissa (8th)

Teams make their way to Tan Son Nhat International Airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Chris/Bret
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Tyler/Korey
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Janelle/Britney
8- Rachel/Elissa

All the teams are on the same flight. (Toyouke: “Stupid bunching.”) The Amazing Orange Line – wait, did all the other colors go on strike or something? – flies through the air to Dubai and teams arrive in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Janelle/Britney
3- Rachel/Elissa
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Chris/Bret
7- Colin/Christie
8- Nicole/Victor

Teams make their way to the Al Faqa desert and arrive at the tailgate in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Rachel/Elissa
3- Colin/Christie
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Tyler/Korey
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Nicole/Victor
8- Becca/Floyd

Teams sit down and have tea and dates with the supercar guys. (Toyouke: “Those cars are not beautiful.”) Then someone reveals that the next clue is in the cars, so teams race to the cars and grab their clues in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Rachel/Elissa
3- Chris/Bret
4- Janelle/Britney
5- Colin/Christie
6- Tyler/Korey
7- Nicole/Victor
8- Becca/Floyd

Teams are now instructed to take their taxis back to Dubai and make their way to the Dubai Frame. Once their teams need to make their way to the top to find their next clue. Teams arrive at the Frame in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Colin/Christie
3- Chris/Bret
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Janelle/Britney
6- Nicole/Victor
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Rachel/Elissa – whose cab driver gets legit lost, but also apparently female cab drivers in Dubai have to drive slower? So that didn’t help.

Teams make their way to the top of the Frame and get their clues in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Colin/Christie
3- Chris/Bret
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Janelle/Britney
6- Nicole/Victor
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Rachel/Elissa

Teams open their envelopes and we get the Detour Clue.


Fall OR Find

*Fall: Teams must travel to the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Once there, teams must ride the elevator to the top, and “parachute” to the base. In reality, teams choose an instructor who takes them to Mission 828, a Virtual Reality spy experience in which teams scale the tower and jump off of it. Then, teams must take a five question quiz about the experience, and both team members must answer all questions correctly in order to get the next clue. The five questions were: (1) At what height are you in the Burj Khalifa? (828 m); (2) What color was the lever you turned? (Red); (3) What else was inside the glass you broke? (Fire hose); (4) Did the observation deck door open in or out? (Out); (5) How many antennae were on the signal interceptor? (4). If incorrect, teams must wait for a pair of simulators to open up. Only two teams may play at a time.
*Find: Teams must travel to the Dubai Garden Glow and find Dinosaur Park. Once there, teams had to change into dinosaur costumes and search the grounds for five different colored eggs. Once teams returned all the eggs to a nest near the front of the park, teams would get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “Is this a legit Reckless/Chicken Detour option? I feel like they haven't had one of those in a while.”)

1- Leo/Jamal choose Fall – and are duped by the fact that they thought they were going to skydive. But then they couldn’t figure out what a “signal receptor” was.
2- Colin/Christie choose Fall
3- Tyler/Korey choose Fall – Korey and Tyler pick the hottest instructor of course. Tyler: “I’m flirting with you. We’re gay.”
4- Chris/Bret choose Find
5- Nicole/Victor choose Find
6- Becca/Floyd choose Find – (Toyouke: “Team Fun roaring and being dumb is so funny.”)
7- Rachel/Elissa choose Find – but as they start to get suited up, they realize how many people are there and if all they have to do is skydive, then the two spots would have opened up by now. So they Bald Snark to Fall. (Toyouke: “I know there's a team limit. But there are enough teams left that the teams at the back may take so long to get there that there's no wait once they show up. Right? Elissa, you can't pressure Rachel into Bald Snarking and then be upset about it.”)
8- Janelle/Britney choose Find – and then don’t understand what a nest is.

Much virtual skydiving and egg finding ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Colin/Christie
3- Tyler/Korey
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Soho Garden to find their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Colin/Christie
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Tyler/Korey
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa

When they rip open the clue, teams get the sixth roadblock.


Who can feel the beat?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must enter a silent rave in which every person has headphones and is dancing to their own beat. The roadblocker gets a pair of headphones from the DJ so they can hear his beat, and then search for a person dancing to the same beat and bring that person to the DJ. If the DJ confirms that it is the correct beat, teams get their next clue. Otherwise, the roadblocker goes out and finds another person.

(Toyouke: “This is a very complicated Roadblock.”)

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Bret – (Toyouke: “I think I like this strategy of being in first and just starting to grab whoever to get going.”)
2- Nicole
3- Christie – while Colin dances to his own drummer.
4- Floyd – who was a drum major in college, so he knows exactly what to look for. Floyd: "Find the song! Being played by the DJ! At a silent rave! Cool!!!" (Toyouke: “I love Floyd.”)
5- Tyler
6- Janelle
7- Leo
8- Rachel

After much searching a crowded room, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Tyler/Korey
4- Chris/Bret
5- Colin/Christie
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa

Teams get their clue and are instructed to make their way to Amwaj Tower 4 and make their way to the top. Teams arrive at the tower in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Chris/Bret
3- Colin/Christie
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa – and on the way to the Tower, Rachel has a classic Rachel “The Amazing Race is fun and good!” meltdown. (Toyouke: “I love Elissa's deadpan "My sister is so annoying" attitude. Rachel knows full well they're probably last and she's determined to get her elimination speech right now on her own terms. Elissa is not interested.”)

Teams are now instructed to take the world’s longest zip line down to the Dubai Marina, the PIT STOP of the fifth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Becca/Floyd – who win $5000 each and then start a freestyle with Phil. Which is epic.
2- Chris/Bret
3- Colin/Christie
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa

And Rachel and Elissa are the last team to arrive. But Rachel won’t shut up long enough for Phil to tell her that this is the second of three pre-determined non-elimination legs and that they are still in the Race! (Boo!) They will have to complete a Speed Bump on the next leg before they continue racing.

1st – Becca/Floyd
2nd – Chris/Bret
3rd – Colin/Christie
4th – Tyler/Korey
5th – Nicole/Victor
6th – Janelle/Britney
7th – Leo/Jamal
8th – Rachel/Elissa

Next week: Your mission location is . . . Uganda! Teams have to deal with an African Market, which is always fun. And the first (read: SECOND) Head to Head of the Season! Until next time!

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