Saturday, June 8, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 8, 6/5/19

Welcome to Leg 8! Last time, on The U-Turn Is Coming! The U-Turn Is Coming!, 7 teams raced to Switzerland. Teams discussed the possible U-Turn and the Reilly Sisters created a toxic relationship with Nic and Vic. There was lots of jumping off of things, and in the end GayTube won the leg again and Nic and Vic finished last on the third and final non-elimination leg of the season. (Toyouke: “You know for all that drama and whatever, look at Elissa's face when Phil says it's a non-elim leg. She and Rachel are not happy.”) Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
2nd – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
3rd – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm
4th – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
5th – Rachel and Elissa, The Houseguest Sisters
6th –Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
7th – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests

Michaelskirche, Meiringen, Switzerland

4:56 AM Tyler/Korey (1st)
Clue: Drive yourselves to Hofstetten bei Brienz, Switzerland and make your way to the Ballenberg Community Hall to get your next clue.

Tyler lets us know that drama doesn’t effect his team. Good.

5:03 AM Colin/Christie (2nd)
5:04 AM Becca/Floyd (3rd)
5:09 AM Leo/Jamal (4th)
5:49 AM Rachel/Elissa (5th) – and Rachel reminds us this is her thirty-second leg. Shut up Rachel.
5:50 AM Chris/Bret (6th)
6:05 AM Nicole/Victor (7th)

Teams drive to Hofstetten. Teams arrive at Ballenberg in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Chris/Bret
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Nicole/Victor

And because everyone drove themselves to Hofstetten, and the Community Hall doesn’t open until 7 am, it’s time for drama! (Toyouke: “The one time they don't get bunched at the airport, and we all know they're going to bunch at the U-Turn.  I wish that they would have to do a leg where the previous leg finishes mattered.”) So, Rachel and Elissa try to mend their relationship with Leo and Jamal. Which, whatever. (Toyouke: “Interesting that out of all the teams, they're concerned about Leo and Jamal. Bret is hilarious though.”) The more entertaining part is Chris and Bret listening in and pretending to stretch while they listen to the conversation. (Toyouke: “I do love that no one believes Rachel and Elissa. That's what happens when you run three seasons that way.”)

The community hall opens and everyone runs up to find Phil. He talks about how Switzerland is one of the oldest democracies in the world, and it’s time for a U-Turn!

This is a Double U-Turn. In this U-Turn, each team must audibly vote for a team to be U-Turned, and the two teams with the most votes will be U-Turned. If a team is U-turned, they must go back to the Detour choices and complete the Detour that they did not complete. This U-Turn is doubled, meaning two teams may U-Turn two other teams. Phil, during his explanation, does not say how many U-Turns there will be on this race.

(Toyouke: “So it's a double U-Turn on top of voting. I mean, knowing who U-Turned you isn't new. I don't hate it, I guess, but I kind of wish it was one team getting U-Turned and not two.”) The order in which the teams vote has been predetermined by random draw.

1- Rachel/Elissa choose to U-Turn Colin/Christie
2- Nicole/Victor choose to U-Turn Leo/Jamal
3- Colin/Christie choose to U-Turn Rachel/Elissa
4- Leo/Jamal choose to U-Turn Colin/Christie – (Toyouke: “An interesting strategy from Jamal: don't waste your vote on someone you can beat later. A very Survivor strategy.”)
5- Becca/Floyd choose to U-Turn Colin/Christie
6- Tyler/Korey choose to U-Turn Nicole/Victor – (Toyouke: “Right? Nicole and Victor already have a Speed Bump so get rid of them.”)
7- Chris/Bret choose to U-Turn Rachel/Elissa

So My Ox Is Broken and the Reilly Sisters have been U-Turned and now must complete both Detour options. And Rachel is butthurt. (Toyouke: “HA. How are you so convinced it's personal and not game-related? Anyway, does it matter? Either you're as amazing as you think you are, and you're a threat, or you suck at the social game, and no one wants you around. Or a little of both.”)

We also find out that this is where Nicole and Victor get to complete their Speed Bump.

A Speed Bump is a task that must be performed by the last place team on a non-elimination leg when the non-elimination leg is not immediately followed by the next leg. Once they complete this task, they may return to the place where the Speed Bump occurred and continue the leg. In this speed bump, the team must take down the twenty-six Swiss canton flags that are hanging around the hall, fold them and put them in a basket for end of season storage. Once complete, teams will be able to keep racing.

(Toyouke: “Your Speed Bump is: clean up after us.”) Teams complete the Speed Bump in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor – and Nicole is very upset that Victor didn’t listen to her opinion on who to U-Turn. (Toyouke: “Why is Nicole so concerned when Rachel and Elissa still got U-Turned in the end?”)

After much flag folding, they continue with the rest of the teams and get their clue.

Teams open their clues after the U-Turn in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Tyler/Korey
4- Chris/Bret
5- Colin/Christie
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Nicole/Victor

And we get the Detour Clue.


Make Hay OR Cow Festival

*Make Hay: Teams must go to the Ballenberg Open Air Museum and one team member had to use a scythe to cut a lane of grass, while their partner raked it. Teams were allowed to switch rakers as necessary. Teams then had to properly stack the grass so that it could dry into hay in order to receive their next clue.
*Cow Festival: Teams must go to the Ballenberg Open Air Museum and use the provided materials to make a floral headdress and place it on a cow's head. Teams must then lead the cow to a festival in order to be judged. If the headdress was properly made, teams would get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “So does that mean you could get your cow all the way to the festival and they could decide you didn't make the headdress properly?”)

1- Rachel/Elissa choose Cow Festival – So, the girls make their headdress quickly and end up with a cow named Oliver. But Oliver is stubborn and takes him a whole to get to the festival. But they get him there and head over to Make Hay. But realize when they get there they left their clue at the other Detour. (Toyouke: “Oo, I think you need your clue even if you read someone else's right?”) So they mimic Colin and Christie.
2- Colin/Christie choose Cow Festival – and take their time getting the headdress right. Christie then has to pick the right cow because Colin “My ox is broken, this is BS” can’t be trusted to pick a cow. After the cow they head over to Make Hay and do a great job.
3- Chris/Bret choose Make Hay
4- Leo/Jamal choose Make Hay – Jamal: “I’m shaving it!”
5- Tyler/Korey choose Make Hay – Tyler: “I have no technique. But I bet Becca who is having the best time probably had a job doing this for a summer.”
6- Beca/Floyd choose Make Hay - Becca: “So I spent two years doing landscaping work, but I’ve never used a scythe. This is awesome!” (Toyouke: “For real, I love Team Fun but they will own all of you and should have been considered more of a threat than Rachel and Elissa.”)
7- Nicole/Victor choose Cow Festival

Much headdress making and hay mowing ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Chris/Bret
3- Tyler/Korey
4- Leo/Jamal – and after this, Rachel/Elissa and Colin/Christie finish their first detour.
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Colin/Christie
7- Rachel/Elissa

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves to Schwanden bei Brienz and find Oberschwanden to get their next clue. (Toyouke: “I'm glad people have to navigate.”) Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Chris/Bret
4- Nicole/Victor
5- Colin/Christie
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Leo/Jamal – who got horribly lost in Switzerland because they didn’t buy a map. (Toyouke: “How have you run so many seasons and you didn't buy a map?”)

When they rip open the clue, teams get the ninth roadblock.


Who wants to be a big shot?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must reenact the famous scene of William Tell shooting an apple off his son’s head. Using a crossbow, one team member must successfully hit an apple on the head of a dummy. If they miss, they must reset the dummy and keep shooting until they hit the apple to get their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Tyler
2- Becca – because she was the best with the bow and arrow back in Panama in her first season.
3- Bret
4- Victor
5- Colin – Christie: “This roadblock was made for Colin.” Korey: “EVERY Roadblock is made for Colin.”
6- Rachel
7- Jamal

After much crossbow shooting, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves to Brienz and find Bootsverleih Brienz to choose a boat to make their way to their next destination. Teas arrive at Bootsverleih Brienz in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret – who get to the hotel dock and try to use the funicular, but it will be fifty minutes before the next train, so they walk.
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie
4- Becca/Floyd – who got stopped by a train.
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves by boat to Grand Hotel Giessbach, the PIT STOP of the eighth leg of this racearoundtheworld. Once there, teams could walk or take the funicular to the hotel. The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!

1- Tyler/Korey – who win a seven night luxury cruise on the Mekong River through Cambodia and Vietnam.
2- Chris/Bret – (Toyouke: “Well...they wouldn't have won a foot race anyway. It was a good idea.”)
3- Colin/Christie – (Toyouke: “OK but I feel like Colin and Christie can look at their finish and say "Yeah, OK, that's why people U-Turn us" and not get personal about it.”)
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa – (Toyouke: “Please don't let her run this race any more.”)

And Rachel and Elissa are the last team to arrive and eliminated. Elissa is happy that she got to experience the race with her sister.

1st – Tyler/Korey
2nd – Chris/Bret
3rd – Colin/Christie
4th – Becca/Floyd
5th – Nicole/Victor
6th – Leo/Jamal

Next week: Airport Drama! And then off to Split, Croatia! Until next time!

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