Sunday, June 2, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 6, 5/22/19

Welcome to Leg 6! Last time, on The Amazing Race Is Awesome and Good!, 8 teams made their way to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The Reillys got lost and Rachel lost it. There were dinosaurs and tall buildings. Team Fun ended up in first and got Phil to freestyle with them. In the end it was Rachel and Elissa who finished last, but were not eliminated due to the second of three randomly placed non-elimination legs. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm
2nd – Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
3rd – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
4th – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
5th – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests
6th – Janelle and Britney, The Friendly Houseguests
7th – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
8th – Rachel and Elissa, The Houseguest Sisters

Dubai Marina, Dubai, Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2:25 AM Becca/Floyd (1st)
Clue: Fly 2000 miles to Uganda! Take a taxi to Kampala, the capital city, and make your way to the Uganda National Mosque to obtain your next clue.

Your mission destination is . . . Uganda! Cool! Where is that? Africa! Oh, like The Lion King! (Toyouke: “SIGH”)

2:26 AM Chris/Bret (2nd)

And then TAR stops giving me times. Whatever, TAR.

Colin/Christie (3rd)
Tyler/Korey (4th) – who are particularly freaking out about the fact that it’s not ok to be gay in Uganda.
Nicole/Victor (5th)
Janelle/Britney (6th) – who think the Reillys are wonderful. Are we watching the same show? (Toyouke: “Ugh, "mom squad".”)
Leo/Jamal (7th)
Rachel/Elissa (8th)

Teams make their way to Dubai International Airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Chris/Bret
3- Colin/Christie
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Rachel/Elissa

Teams are all on the same flight (Tyler: “Uganda be kidding me!”) and take the Amazing Orange Line to Africa. They arrive in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Rachel/Elissa
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Tyler/Korey - who want to get first place and show Uganda what’s up. (Kmanpat: “Oh Tyler, just turn it off like a lightswitch.”)
7- Chris/Bret
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams make their way to Uganda National Mosque and arrive in the following order:

1- Chris/Bret
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Tyler/Korey
4- Colin/Christie
5- Rachel/Elissa
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Janelle/Britney

Once teams arrive, they must change into appropriate clothing to enter the mosque grounds and then up to the clue. Teams arrive at the clue box in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie
4- Chris/Bret – because they saw Nicole and Victor going up the minaret so they figured they should follow them.
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams are now instructed to climb the minaret of the mosque and count the number of steps (272) between two distinct marked locations. Once teams get to the top and give the correct answer to the imam, teams get their next clue, which they can read when they get to the bottom. Teams arrive at the top and give the correct count in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor
2- Colin/Christie
3- Tyler/Korey – since they knew they were going to the mosque, they researched and found the minaret had 304 steps. So they just went to the top and gave that number. Then they went back and counted. (Toyouke: “Oh no, research backfired! That was such a smart thing to look up, assuming that would be a possible task. “)
4- Chris/Bret
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Rachel/Elissa – who counted wrong a few times.
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams are now instructed to travel by taxi to the main gate of Owino Market and make their way to Soweto Restaurant to find their next clue. Teams arrive at the restaurant in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Chris/Bret
6- Becca/Floyd
7- Janelle/Britney
8- Rachel/Elissa

And Rachel and Elissa find their Speed Bump.

A Speed Bump is a task that must be performed by the last place team on a non-elimination leg when the non-elimination leg is not immediately followed by the next leg. Once they complete this task, they may return to the place where the Speed Bump occurred and continue the leg. In this speed bump, the team must follow the local laundry lady and hand wash a load of laundry and then hang it up to dry. Once the load is completely washed and hung, the laundry lady will allow them to go back and get the next clue.

Teams complete the Speed Bump in the following order:

1- Rachel/Elissa – Rachel: "That's why Ugandan moms look so good, they do laundry." (Toyouke: “Are you serious?”)

After much laundry doing, they continue with the rest of the teams and get their clue.

When they rip open the clue, teams get the seventh roadblock.


Who wants a rolex?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must shop for ingredients in the market and then make a rolex, a Ugandan sandwich made of eggs and vegetables rolled in bread. Once teams successfully complete and deliver the rolex, they get their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Victor
2- Korey
3- Colin
4- Jamal – who fails at his first attempt. (Toyouke: “On what planet would you roll out your dough on the hot griddle? Come on.”)
5- Chris
6- Floyd
7- Janelle – who is convinced she is looking for a watch and completely misses the vendors and the teams making rolex sandwiches right next to the clue box. For an hour. (Toyouke: “I was going to be sympathetic, but everyone else figured out what a Rolex was right away.”)
8- Elissa

After much shopping and rolex making, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Nicole/Victor
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Colin/Christie
4- Chris/Bret
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Becca/Floyd
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Ggaba Landing Site on Lake Victoria and find the village boat builders to get their next clue. They arrive in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Leo/Jamal
6- Becca/Floyd
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams open their envelopes and we get the Detour Clue.


Salty Roll OR Move the Pole

*Salty Roll: Teams must find a wheelbarrow of fish and take it to be prepared in the traditional way. Meat must be salted and the skins must be wrapped. Once teams have successfully completed the task, a fish preserver gives them their next clue.
*Move the Pole: Teams must chose a bicycle and load it with wood. Once they transport it to the pile building location, teams must stack the wood to a specific height. When the pile is the right height, the measuring stick lady will give them their next clue.

(Toyouke: “Hmm. Cleaning fish doesn't seem that hard? You know what, I'm impressed that no one is foolishly trying to ride the bicycles properly.”)

1- Colin/Christie choose Move the Pole – and Colin mentions that if this were Season 5, he’d have choice words for this task by this point. (Toyouke: “It's true. Season 5 Colin would have said something highly entertaining and ridiculous at this point.” Kmanpat: “Hasa Diga Eebowai? Or maybe “I’m Stacking It!”)
2- Tyler/Korey choose Move the Pole
3- Nicole/Victor choose Move the Pole
4- Chris/Bret choose Move the Pole
5- Leo/Jamal choose Move the Pole
6- Becca/Floyd choose Move the Pole
7- Rachel/Elissa choose Salty Roll
8- Janelle/Britney choose Salty Roll

Much wood carrying and fish salting ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams get their clue and are instructed to make their way to Jahazi Pier and find Phil. That’s suspicious.

Teams arrive at Jahazi Pier in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Janelle/Britney

Teams arrive and find their first (read: SECOND) Head to Head!


In this Head to Head, teams must play each other in a logic puzzle. There are four poles and 12 drums. When the African Drummers start playing teams must rearrange the drums one at a time so that each pole has one color of drum on them. Only 4 drums can be on any pole at a time. Once a team has the puzzle solved, they take the oxtail on the drum in the center and can check in at the Pit Stop, Jahazi Pier.

(Toyouke: “So it's basically Towers of Hanoi? That you can learn as you go so a team who has lost several times actually has an advantage? Also I'm mad that Janelle screwed up SO badly and it won't matter one bit because the team ahead of them will have to wait for them to show up.”)

Teams pick one racer from each team to compete in the Head to Head in the following order:

1) Tyler VS Colin – GayTube wins the match.
2) Colin VS Victor – My Ox Is Broken wins the match.
3) Victor VS Chris – BBEngaged wins the match.
4) Bret VS Floyd – Team Bromance wins the match.
5) Floyd VS Leo – Team Fun wins the match.
6) Jamal VS Rachel – Afghanimals win the match.
7) Rachel VS Britney

(Toyouke: “So what the was the point of this? Why air this one when the last one actually affected the standings? The only thing this Head-to-Head did was space everyone evenly. It would have been MUCH more interesting to see the real first Head-to-Head, where people's finishes actually changed.”)

Teams are now instructed to run to the mat at Jahazi Pier on Lake Victoria, the PIT STOP of the sixth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Tyler/Korey – who win a trip for two to Singapore. (Toyouke: “I find it interesting that the tack we're taking is "Individuals are lovely" and not "Gays are not always obvious".”)
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Janelle/Britney

And Janelle and Britney are the last team to be defeated and are eliminated. The four girls race to the mat together. The moms wanted to prove that women can work together. Or something.

1st – Tyler/Korey
2nd – Colin/Christie
3rd – Nicole/Victor
4th – Chris/Bret
5th – Becca/Floyd
6th – Leo/Jamal
7th – Rachel/Elissa

Next week: The Swiss Alps! There’s a funicular! And the Reillys try to take on BBEngaged, and they aren’t having it. Until next time!

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