Sunday, June 2, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 7, 5/29/19

Welcome to Leg 7! Last time, on I’m Stacking It!, 8 teams raced from Dubai to Kampala, Uganda. The Big Brother Alliance was put to the test as teams stacked wood, preserved fish and competed in the first (read: SECOND) Head to Head of the season. (Toyouke: “There was some speculation online that the reason they included this last Head-to-Head, even though no placements changed, was because the last two teams ran to the mat holding hands. And there was no way to explain how the last place team caught up otherwise. They could have just made them refilm it, but that does make some sense.”) In the end, GayTube won the leg and the BBMoms were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
2nd – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
3rd – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests
4th – Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
5th – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm
6th – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
7th – Rachel and Elissa, The Houseguest Sisters

Jahazi Pier, Lake Victoria, Kampala, Uganda

No times at all. Really TAR? Help a guy out.

Tyler/Korey (1st)
Clue: Fly 3500 miles to Zurich, Switzerland! Once there, catch a train to Grindelwald and make your way to Gletscherschlucht Glacier Gorge to get your next clue.

Colin/Christie (2nd)
Nicole/Victor (3rd)
Chris Bret (4th)
Becca/Floyd (5th)
Leo/Jamal (6th)
Rachel/Elissa (7th)

Teams must go to a travel agent to get tickets first. So teams travel to Equity Agency and arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Leo/Jamal
7- Rachel/Elissa – and Rachel mentions that this is her thirty-first leg, and if she completes it, she will be tied with the Globetrotters and the Cowboys for most legs completed on the Amazing Race.

And because everyone is on the same flight and the flight isn’t for a few hours, Team Fun decides to have a beer at the nearby pub. The Afghanimals see them and start to discuss the potential upcoming U-Turn. Nicole and Victor and Colin and Christie come up as potential U-Turn teams. And then the Reilly Sisters show up. Team Fun buys them a beer, and they discuss the U-turn, and Rachel is particularly afraid of U-turning Nicole and Victor. (Toyouke: “This is why alliances are so dumb. No one should trust each other. If Rachel and Elyssa turn on Team Fun, then it's kind of Team Fun's fault for trusting them and also making an alliance. Would you trust Rachel? I wouldn't trust Rachel.”)

Teams eventually make their way to Entebbe International Airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Leo/Jamal

Teams are all on the same flight and take the Amazing Orange Line to Switzerland. They arrive and make their way to Kloten Station, the stop for the train at the airport. All teams get on the same train. And then the Reilly Sisters start trying to stir the pot with Nicole and Victor. (Toyouke: “Is Rachel really that loyal? I guess not because they're trying to spin this BS story and they're terrible liars. See, why are you so offended they don't believe you? Why didn't you just say "we all had beers and they think we're all cool so they told us this"? Now you're telling the truth but everyone thinks you're full of it because you lied about the circumstances and now no one is allied with you. On the other hand, are Nicole and Victor really that stupid that they can't imagine other teams see them as a threat and want to U-Turn them?”) And then Colin decides everyone needs to join in a centering circle on the train. (Toyouke: “Colin is hilarious.”)

Teams arrive in Grindelwald in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Chris/Bret
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Leo/Jamal

Teams have decided that a U-turn is imminent. So they run from the train station to Gletscherschlucht Glacier Gorge (Toyouke: “That's a long run.”) and arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Leo/Jamal – who could have been second, but Jamal decided to try and climb up in a weird way.
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Chris/Bret

When they rip open the clue, teams get the eighth roadblock.


Who wants to take the scenic route?

In this roadblock, the roadblocker must freefall into the gorge 400 feet at 70 miles per hour. Once complete, the roadblocker finds the clue and reunites with their partner.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Korey
2- Becca
3- Leo
4- Christie
5- Nicole – who legit freaks out. (Toyouke: “Oh of course. As much as I hoped for another Mika, the minute they went to commercial you know she's gonna do it.”)
6- Elissa
7- Chris

After much freefalling, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Chris/Bret

Teams are now instructed to fly by helicopter to Grimsel Pass. Teams arrive at the helipad in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Chris/Bret

Teams fly in their individual helicopters to Grimsel Pass and arrive in the following order:

1- Tyler/Korey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Chris/Bret

Teams open their envelopes and we get the Detour Clue.


Water Power OR Water Down

*Water Power: Teams must travel to Handegg and ride the Gelmerbahn, the world’s steepest funicular. On the ride, teams must memorize eight signs with names of water basins and their volumes. Once at the top, teams make their way to the nearby dam and solve a puzzle involving the bodies of water. Once completed correctly, teams get their next clue.
*Water Down: Teams go canyoneering in the Grimsel Canyon. After a 150 foot rappel, teams jump from a ledge into a glacial river and then jump to grab the clue. Afterwards, teams complete their journey via zip line and jump into a pool of water.

(Toyouke: “Funicular! The only way you would ride the funicular is if there's a limit to how many teams can do the canyoning, right?”)

1- Tyler/Korey choose Water Down – and choose tall, hunky Sebastien as their canyon guide. (Toyouke: “Oh Tyler and Korey. Never stop being thirsty gays.”) Sebastien: “Are you together?” Tyler: “No, we’re straight, can’t you tell?”
2- Becca/Floyd choose Water Down – because Becca does this for a living.
3- Leo/Jamal choose Water Power
4- Colin/Christie choose Water Down
5- Nicole/Victor choose Water Power
6- Rachel/Elissa choose Water Down
7- Chris/Bret choose Water Down

Much funicular riding and canyoneering ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Colin/Christie
5- Nicole/Victor
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Chris/Bret

Teams are now instructed to make their way to Michaelskirche in Meiringen, the PIT STOP of the seventh leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated! (Toyouke: "Boo, automatic cars. Learn to navigate!")

1- Tyler/Korey – who win a rejuvenating spa day in Switzerland before the next leg.
2- Colin/Christie
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Leo/Jamal
5- Rachel/Elissa – and Rachel completes her thirty-first leg, and ties the record.
6- Chris/Bret
7- Nicole/Victor

And Nicole and Victor are the last team to arrive. And go after Rachel over the whole U-Turn thing. (Toyouke: “No one cares about this drama. It shouldn't even be drama. "We didn't do anything" is ridiculous. And I'm not sure why Rachel is pretending to be so trusting when she's double crossing people right and left. Still good old delusional Rachel.”) And then find out this is the third of three pre-determined non-elimination legs and they are still in the Race. They will have a Speed Bump on the next leg.

1st – Tyler/Korey
2nd – Colin/Christie
3rd – Becca/Floyd
4th – Leo/Jamal
5th – Rachel/Elissa
6th – Chris/Bret
7th – Nicole/Victor

Next week: More Switzerland. And a TAR US first: the U-Turn Vote! Until next time!

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