Welcome to Leg 4! Last time, on But I’m Not a Sculptor, 10 teams continued racing through Italy. Rich and Dom and Team Jamaica struggles with tasks, and the sibling teams battled for first place, which was ultimately won by the Twins. Sharik wanted to keep racing for her dad, so it was the motivational speakers Rich and Dom who were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)
Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Emily and Molly, Team Long Lost Twins
2nd – Marcus and Michael, Team Military Bros
3rd – Abby and Will, Team High School Sweethearts
4th – Luis and Michelle, Team Miami Croquetas
5th – Quinton and Mattie, Team NFL Cheerleaders
6th – Aubrey and David, Team Ballroom Dance
7th – Derek and Claire, Team Big Brother
8th – Glenda and Lumumba, Team Tall and Small
9th – Linton and Sharik, Team Jamaican Me Crazy
Piazza Ognissanti, Florence, Italy
Teams are whisked away to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport, and their charter flight to a new destination, Aqaba, Jordan. Teams are transported by Amazing Yellow Line to Jordan, where they board a steam train (Toyouke: “Why does everyone have shopping bags?”) and ride into the Wadi Rum Desert. (Toyouke: “That train has to go faster than that.”) On the way into the desert, teams are treated to a reenactment of the 1936 film Lawrence of Arabia before being handed their clue by one of the actors. (Toyouke: “OK this is dumb. "That can't be real" are you serious? Do you mean in the sense that you can't believe there are horses in the desert, or in the sense that this is very clearly fake for this show? Because if it's the latter I agree.”)
Wadi Rum Desert, Aqaba, Jordan
Clue: Welcome to Jordan! Choose a marked vehicle and have your driver take you into the desert to get your next clue.
(Toyouke: “This seems like such a waste just so you could get some stereotypical camels and shit in some shots.”)
First Departure 8:00 am
Emily/Molly (1st) – Emily reveals that she hurt her leg in the desert, so she’s in pain.
Marcus/Michael (2nd) – they have come up with the acronym CAR:Complacent (don’t be), Adversity (overcome it) and Resilience. Not a bad mantra.
Second Departure 8:15 am
Abby/Will (3rd)
Luis/Michelle (4th) – who have decided they are not a middle of the pack team.
Quinton/Mattie (5th)
Third Departure 8:30 am
Aubrey/David (6th)
Derek/Claire (7th)
Glenda/Lumumba (8th) – who are taking this one leg at a time.
Linton/Sharik (9th)
So teams make their way into the desert to get their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:
1- Marcus/Michael
2- Emily/Molly
3- Quinton/Mattie
4- Luis/Michelle
5- Abby/Will
6- Aubrey/David
7- Derek/Claire
8- Glenda/Lumumba
9- Linton/Sharik
When they rip open the clue, teams get the fifth roadblock.
Who wants to test their metal?
In this roadblock, one team member must find a metal plate buried in the sand at an alien UFO crash site, set up for the filming of a movie. Using a metal detector, teams find one of the nine metal plates and take it to the scientist, who will reveal their next destination: Petra.
The following teammates take the Roadblock:
1- Marcus
2- Molly – because of Emily’s leg.
3- Quinton
4- Luis
5- Abby
6- David
7- Derek – who decides to do it as fast as possible, since there’s always a trick.
8- Lumumba – who keeps finding beverage cans. (Toyouke: “I had hoped you checked to see if there's any other random metal here. I thought we were moving away from Swedish Roulette. Also, has Glenda done any Roadbocks?” Kmanpat: “Yes, she did the first two.”)
9- Linton – who is searching the outside. (Toyouke: “I don't hate the logic of "We're last so the easy center pieces have already been found". It does make sense. I will give it to Sharik that once her dad was done she didn't bitch at him that he should have been looking in the middle the whole time, or something like that.”)
After much metal detecting, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:
1- Marcus/Michael
2- Emily/Molly
3- Quinton/Mattie
4- Luis/Michelle
5- Abby/Will
6- Derek/Claire
7- Aubrey/David
8- Glenda/Lumumba
9- Linton/Sharik
Teams are now instructed to return to their cars and drivers and travel to Petra. Teams exit their vehicles and make their way into the Petra Historic site and make their way to The Treasury, made famous in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Teams arrive in the following order:
1- Derek/Claire
2- Marcus/Michael
3- Luis/Michelle
4- Emily/Molly
5- Abby/Will
6- Aubrey/David
7- Quinton/Mattie
8- Glenda/Lumumba
9- Linton/Sharik
Teams open their clues and we get the fourth Detour Clue.
Camel Caravan OR Palace Puzzle
*Camel Caravan: Teams make their way on foot to the Palace Tomb, and prepare a rest stop for camels. They must pick up 4 bags of hay and take three jugs and fill them up to fill a water bucket for the camels from the cistern. Once complete, the camels will eat and drink and teams get their next clue.
*Palace Puzzle: Teams make their way on foot to the Palace Tomb, and complete a slider puzzle of the building that they are in front of for reference. Once complete, the historian will give them their next clue. (Toyouke: "Slider puzzles are of the devil")
1- Derek/Claire choose Palace Puzzle – (Toyouke: “Is Claire bragging about slider puzzles because it's all she's good at?”)
2- Luis/Michelle choose Palace Puzzle
3- Marcus/Michael choose Camel Caravan – (Toyouke: “The Camel Detour side is harder physically but it's more straightforward in terms of, it's very clear what you need to do.”)
4- Abby/Will choose Palace Puzzle
5- Emily/Molly choose Palace Puzzle – after getting lost on the way.
6- Quinton/Mattie choose Palace Puzzle
7- Aubrey/David choose Palace Puzzle – and wish they had a reference. Cue the Gong of Discontent, and the Amazing Editors panning to the building in front of them.
8- Glenda/Lumumba choose Palace Puzzle – after finding Camel Caravan, and deciding a puzzle might be easier.
9- Linton/Sharik choose Camel Caravan
Much camel feeding and puzzle solving ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:
1- Luis/Michelle
2- Derek/Claire
3- Marcus/Michael
4- Abby/Will
5- Emily/Molly
6- Quinton/Mattie
7- Glenda/Lumumba
8- Aubrey/David
9- Linton/Sharik
Teams are now instructed to race on foot to The Great Temple and find Phil in among the ruins, the PIT STOP of the fourth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!
1- Luis/Michelle – who win $5000 (each?).
2- Derek/Claire
3- Marcus/Michael
4- Abby/Will
5- Emily/Molly
6- Quinton/Mattie
7- Glenda/Lumumba
8- Aubrey/David
9- Linton/Sharik
And Linton and Sharik are eliminated. Sharik can’t believe how physical the race actually is. Linton was just thrilled to race with his daughter and that they finished what they started.
1st – Luis/Michelle
2nd – Derek/Claire
3rd – Marcus/Michael
4th – Abby/Will
5th – Emily/Molly
6th – Quinton/Mattie
7th – Glenda/Lumumba
8th – Aubrey/David
Next week: More in Jordan! Construction! Arabic! Swords! And someone test positive for COVID! Until next time!
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