Thursday, January 6, 2022

TAR 33, Recap Leg 2, 1/5/22


Welcome to Leg 2! Last time, on Why Did We Insist On Doing a Cell Phone Staggered Start Again?, 11 teams started Amazing Race 33 in various cities across the USA and ended up in London! Teams had to either run around London at night, or paste a puzzle on a wall. But in the end, it was Team Cop Rock who couldn’t catch a break, and were the first team eliminated, because somehow the Twins were just that much better. Who will be eliminated. . . next?

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:

1st – Anthony and Spencer, Team Good Samaritan

2nd – Ryan and Dusty, Team Not Guilty

3rd – Raquel and Cayla, The Flight Attendants

4th – Kim and Penn, The YouTube Parents

5th – Caro and Ray, Team Long Distance Reality

6th – Akbar and Sheri, The Teacher Cagers

7th – Connie and Sam, Team Blind Side

8th – Taylor and Isaiah, Team Gay YouTube Husbands

9th – Arun and Natalia, Team Bollywood Bonding

10th – Lulu and Lala, Team iHeartTwinning

Natural History Museum, London, England, United Kingdom

7:46 AM Anthony/Spencer (1st) – who feel like the thwarting of the train attack gave them confidence.

Clue: Make your way to the Royal Mail Central Delivery and find the Mail Rail to get their next clue.

And we get all the departure times! I knew I liked the new chyrons for a reason.

7:48 AM Ryan/Dusty (2nd)

7:50 AM Raquel/Cayla (3rd)

8:03 AM Kim/Penn (4th) – who remark that they are a middle age mom and dad. We know.

8:15 AM Caro/Ray (5th)

8:17 AM Akbar/Sheri (6th)

8:30 AM Connie/Sam (7th)

8:32 AM Taylor/Isaiah (8th)

8:45 AM Arun/Natalia (9th)

9:37 AM Lulu/Lala (10th)

So teams make their way to Rail Mail. (Toyouke: “OK I love the idea of this railway especially because this train is clearly for tourists to ride around for tours.”) Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Ryan/Dusty

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Anthony/Spencer

4- Kim/Penn

5- Caro/Ray

6- Connie/Sam

7- Arun/Natalia

8- Akbar/Sheri

9- Taylor/Isaiah

10- Lulu/Lala

When they rip open the clue, teams get the first roadblock.


Who still gets the mail?

In this roadblock, one team member must ride the mail rail to a station with mail carts and search one mail cart for a clue. Once they find the clue, they can ride mail rail back to their partner and open the clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Ryan

2- Raquel

3- Anthony

4- Penn - who is convinced the Roadblock has to be harder than just finding the envelope that says “The Amazing Race” on it.

5- Ray – who goes along with Penn’s ridiculousness. (Toyouke: “I was laughing at how Anthony spent so much time and those two found it immediately, but now I'm laughing at how they didn't believe him because they're morons.”)

6- Connie

7- Arun

8- Sheri

9- Taylor

10- Lala

After much mail sorting, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Ryan/Dusty

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Anthony/Spencer

4- Arun/Natalia

5- Connie/Sam

6- Akbar/Sheri

7- Kim/Penn

8- Caro/Ray – who argue about Ray’s stupidity on the Detour. (Toyouke: “Ray really has no standing to be a dick about Caro pointing out how dumb he just was. You know you screwed up. You deserve to get roasted about it.”)

9- Taylor/Isaiah

10- Lulu/Lala

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to Leicester Square to get their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Ryan/Dusty

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Anthony/Spencer

4- Caro/Ray

5- Arun/Natalia

6- Kim/Penn

7- Connie/Sam

8- Akbar/Sheri

9- Taylor/Isaiah

10- Lulu/Lala

Teams open their clues and we get the second Detour Clue.


Bullseye, Mate OR Decorate

*Bullseye, Mate: Teams make their way to Flight Club Victoria, pick up two pints of beer, and then proceed to throw rounds of darts. Each team member must get a bullseye during a round in order to get their next clue.

*Decorate: Teams make their way to Mange. Once there, teams must pick the two cakes decorated that are part of the European Union (France and Germany) out of twelve (the others are Sierra Leone, United Kingdom, South Africa, Norway, Brazil, Russia, Jamaica, Chile, Thailand and Colombia), and recreate them. They must be approved by the Master Baker in order to get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “For me it's not the bullseyes necessarily but the fact that you both have to do it in the same round. Also, flags all day.”)

1- Ryan/Dusty choose Bullseye, Mate

2- Raquel/Cayla choose Decorate

3- Anthony/Spencer choose Decorate

4- Caro/Ray choose Decorate

5- Arun/Natalia choose Bullseye, Mate

6- Kim/Penn choose Decorate

7- Connie/Sam choose Bullseye, Mate

8- Akbar/Sheri choose Decorate

9- Taylor/Isaiah choose Decorate

10- Lulu/Lala choose Decorate

Much dart throwing and cake decorating ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Ryan/Dusty

2- Connie/Sam

3- Arun/Natalia

4- Raquel/Cayla

5- Anthony/Spencer

6- Kim/Penn

7- Caro/Ray

8- Akbar/Sheri

9- Taylor/Isaiah

10- Lulu/Lala

Teams are now instructed to travel to Russell Square Metro Station and find the double decker bus, the PIT STOP of the second leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Ryan/Dusty – who win a cup of tea and the chance to keep racing! And they get their next clue and take off.

2- Connie/Sam

3- Arun/Natalia

4- Raquel/Cayla – Raquel: “Is that coffee?" (Toyouke: “Do you know anything about anything?”)

5- Kim/Penn

6- Caro/Ray

7- Anthony/Spencer

8- Akbar/Sheri

9- Taylor/Isaiah

10- Lulu/Lala

And Lulu and Lala are. . . not eliminated! This is the first of the non-elimination legs on the race, so the twins get their next clue. They can go away now.


1st – Ryan/Dusty

2nd – Connie/Sam

3rd – Arun/Natalia

4th – Raquel/Cayla

5th – Kim/Penn

6th – Caro/Ray

7th – Anthony/Spencer

8th – Akbar/Sheri

9th – Taylor/Isaiah

10th – Lulu/Lala

Next week: Glasgow, Scotland! And manual transmission driving! (Toyouke: “Stick shift, let's go.”) And the Race gets COVID. Until next time!

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