Sunday, February 18, 2018

TAR 30, Recap Leg 7, 2/7/18

Welcome to Leg 7! Last time, on Why Don’t We Get to Bathe In Beer?, 7 teams raced from France to Prague. Teams encountered the first double U-Turn of the Race, where Big Brother U-turned Well Strung. We saw a Switchback to the Kafka Roadblock, and lots of lost racers who didn’t understand that Vltava is a river. Anyway, since they were the only ones U-Turned, Well Strung never really recovered and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Kristi and Jen, The Freestyle Skiers, #TeamExtreme
2nd – Eric and Daniel, The Wondertwins, #TheFirefighters
3rd – Henry and Evan, Beauty and the Geek Take 2, #TeamYale
4th – Alex and Conor, The Race Car Drivers, #TeamIndyCar
5th – Lucas and Brittany, Team Baywatch, #TeamOceanRescue
6th – Cody and Jessica, Team Reality Show YDC, #TeamBigBrother

Letenské Park, Prague, Czech Republic

10:08 AM Kristi/Jen (1st)
Clue: Fly to Harare, Zimbabwe! Once there, take the diesel train to the town of Marondera and find the Imire Rhino and Wildlife Conservatory.

10:48 AM Eric/Daniel (2nd)
Henry/Evan (3rd)
11:44 AM Alex/Conor (4th)
11:50 AM Lucas/Brittany (5th)
Cody/Jessica (6th)

So teams head to a travel agent and book flights to Zimbabwe. Teams get flights in the following order:

1- Kristi/Jen
2- Eric/Daniel
3- Henry/Evan
4- Alex/Conor
5- Lucas/Brittany
6- Cody/Jessica

So, teams all get on the same flight to Zimbabwe. The Amazing Red Line takes us across the African continent and teams arrive at Harare International Airport in the following order:

1- Kristi/Jen
2- Henry/Evan
3- Cody/Jessica
4- Lucas/Brittany
5- Eric/Daniel
6- Alex/Conor

Teams now head to the train station to board the train to Marondera. They arrive at the train station in the following order:

1- Eric/Daniel
2- Cody/Jessica
3- Henry/Evan
4- Alex/Conor
5- Kristi/Jen
6- Lucas/Brittany

Teams now make their way to Imire Rhino and Wildlife Conservatory. Once there, they find the Bush Camp and get their next clue in the following order.

1- Eric/Daniel
2- Cody/Jessica
3- Henry/Evan
4- Kristi/Jen
5- Alex/Conor
6- Lucas/Brittany

Teams are instructed to pitch a safari tent from scratch with a model as a guide. (Toyouke: “Oo, tent assembly. Riveting.”) The order in which they finish will determine the order for the next task. Teams build their tents and finish in the following order:

1- Cody/Jessica
2- Lucas/Brittany
3- Henry/Evan
4- Kristi/Jen
5- Eric/Daniel
6- Alex/Conor

Teams are then instructed to spend the night at the Bush Camp. Teams turn on lanterns and settle in for the night. At 4 AM, Phil wakes them up for the next twist. (Toyouke: “While I do love the "let's wake the contestants up early because it's hilarious" trope, I always felt this show was above it.”)


Phil informs the teams that they have reached a Partner Swap, but that’s a stupid, non-travel related term so I’m going to call it a four-way intersection. An Intersection is a route marker where teams must join forces with another team of their choice, and must complete any tasks with them until told to split up. The difference here, is that teams will actually complete tasks separately with a different partner until they join back together.

(Toyouke: “"Partner Swap"? "PARTNER SWAP"!?!?! You're not even going to attempt to come up with a driving-related name? Screw you, CBS.”)

Based on the arrival at Bush Camp, teams team up in the following order:

1- Cody/Jessica & Kristi/Jen – and they swap to create Cody/Jen and Jessica/Kristi.
2- Lucas/Brittany & Alex/Conor – and they swap to create Lucas/Conor and Brittany/Alex.
3- Henry/Evan & Eric/Daniel – and they swap to create Henry/Eric and Daniel/Evan.

The new teams are now instructed to use a raft to traverse Imire Lake and search the islands in the middle of the lake to get their next clue located hanging on the branches of trees with two canteens. Teams get their rafts in the following order:

1- Daniel/Evan
2- Cody/Jen
3- Lucas/Conor
4- Henry/Eric
5- Jessica/Kristi
6- Brittany/Alex

Teams arrive at the island and find their clues and canteens in the following order:

1- Brittany/Alex
2- Jessica/Kristi
3- Cody/Jen
4- Henry/Eric
5- Lucas/Conor
6- Daniel/Evan

Teams are now instructed to row a quarter mile across Lake Imire to the lookout tower to get their next clue. Teams arrive at the lookout tower in the following order:

1- Brittany/Alex
2- Jessica/Kristi
3- Cody/Jen
4- Lucas/Conor
5- Henry/Eric
6- Daniel/Evan

Teams open their clues and we get the Detour Clue.


Rhino Track OR Bush Whack

*Rhino Track: Teams find a pair of horses and a guide and ride a wilderness trail while looking for evidence of poachers. Once they have eight pieces of evidence, they must place them on a map to show where they were all found in order to get their next clue.
*Bush Whack: Teams choose a vehicle and put equipment in it in order to deliver water to a remote ranger station. Teams must go off road, and potentially do some water crossings in order to complete the task. When teams return, they get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “But you bothered to have an old-school rhyming Detour name.”)

1- Brittany/Alex choose Rhino Track – Brittany, picking up a piece of coal on the Detour: “Too bad it's not a diamond, oh wait, I already have one of those"
2- Jessica/Kristi choose Rhino Track – once they discover that neither one in their partnership can drive stick. (Toyouke: “Looking for random trash while on horseback sounds tedious though. I was going to say "Well you shouldn't be on this show without learning to drive stick" but since this stupid gimmick happened it's possible you'd get a "team" who couldn't.”)
3- Cody/Jen choose Bush Whack
4- Lucas/Conor choose Bush Whack
5- Henry/Eric choose Bush Whack
6- Daniel/Evan choose Rhino Track

Much off roading and horseback riding ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Cody/Jen
2- Brittany/Alex
3- Lucas/Conor
4- Daniel/Evan
5- Henry/Eric
6- Jessica/Kristi – because they asked Daniel and Evan for help, and they wouldn’t give them any. (Toyouke: “I wouldn't help you either. You just admitted you don't know what you're doing. Either you're an idiot, in which case they can pass you, or it's a hard task, in which case they can team up with you later.”)

Teams find now that they must make their way to the Savannah Plains Overlook, the PIT STOP of the seventh leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

Swapped teams arrive in the following order:

1- Cody/Jen
2- Brittany/Alex
3- Lucas/Conor
4- Daniel/Evan
5- Henry/Eric
6- Jessica/Kristi

Phil then reveals that the twist is over and teams can rejoin once their partners arrive. (Toyouke: “If you have to wait for your teammates then what is the point of this whole leg!? Just to try to have drama? No one has any drama. No one knows this is just a stupid gimmick that will only last one leg so they're being nice.”) So, teams check into the pit stop in the following order:

1- Alex/Connor
1- Lucas/Brittany
3- Eric/Daniel
3- Henry/Evan
5- Cody/Jessica
5- Kristi/Jen

(Toyouke: “Also this has to be non-elim, right? The last two teams will "finish" at the same time so there would be no way to declare one of them is actually last.”)

And teams are instructed to . . . Keep Racing! This is the second of three non-elimination legs (clearly) and so everyone is given their next clue once they reach the mat.

1st – Alex/Conor
2nd – Lucas/Brittany
3rd – Eric/Daniel
4th – Henry/Evan
5th – Cody/Jessica
6th – Kristi/Jen

Next week: More Zimbabwe! We head back to Harare, and the teams face another double U-Turn! Until next time!

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