Saturday, April 27, 2024

TAR 36, Recap Leg 7, 4/24/24


Welcome to Leg 7! Last time, on Alliances on a Megaleg Seems Like a Good Idea Until It Isn’t, 8 teams raced to Córdoba, Argentina. Rod and Leticia, Amber and Vinny, and Angie and Danny formed an alliance that gets all teams help from the other ones. Angie overheated again. Juan and Shane pulled ahead of the pack and snagged a first place finish, while Derek and Shelisa fell behind and are eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Top Chef 4/24/24--"Chaos Cuisine" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the contestants had to shop at the farmer's market without knowing what their Quickfire would be. Turned out they had to draw cards for a sauce recipe to pair with whatever they bought at the market. Charly got creole sauce so he won easily. The Elimination challenge was to divide into two teams and cook for a supper club. Sadly I learned that the “40 supper club enthusiasts” were a lot of journalists and not regular people. Dan won this challenge, of course, and it's implied that it's because he's the local but I think it was just because he didn't screw up. The budget screwed a lot of people over, especially Danny since Laura spent almost double her share. But also no one told her to put things back, they all just kind of stood there. Sadly no one involved in this drama was sent home. Instead, Charly cooked his fish nearly a half hour before service, so it was ruined, and he was sent home. (click for more)

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Saturday, April 20, 2024

TAR 36, Recap Leg 6, 4/17/24


Welcome to Leg 6! Last time, on Maybe Giving These Teams Tools and Small Parts To Work With Wasn’t a Great Idea, 9 teams raced to Santiago, Chile. It is discovered that Danny is good at navigation, so the nurses and NFL started following them around. The firefighters once again ended up in last, only to make a comeback on tasks and finish not last, which is a task accomplished by the cousins, Kishori and Karishma, who were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Top Chef 4/17/24--"Supper Club" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: we skipped the Quickfire to travel to Madison, and to visit several sites designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Elimination challenge asked chefs to pair up and make a duo of dishes showcasing “duality”. In general, it wasn't terribly exciting and there did seem to be a lot of mistakes. Rasika and Danny made two plates that looked identical but tasted wildly different, and were named the clear winners. Alisha and Kaleena both had big errors and they just kind of gave up and did their own thing. The judges didn't even pretend anyone else had done as poorly so they were eliminated without any deliberation. (click for more)

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Saturday, April 13, 2024

TAR 36, Recap Leg 5, 4/10/24


Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on The Amazing Race Is Not the Time to Figure Out Your Relationship, 10 teams raced to Medellin, Colombia. The dating nurses fought their way through the leg. The firefighters didn't understand rebus puzzles, but had no problem with maps and passing other teams. Danny decided he’s a nice person and tried to work with everyone. The boyfriends ended up in first again, and Michelle and Sean, the aerobics instructors, were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Top Chef 4/10/24--"The Wright Way" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: there was a Quickfire that involved cherries and other random ingredients. Rasika won (again) for making a balanced dish with cherries and onions. Then since we are front-loading all the stereotypical challenges, we had a cheese festival. Nearly everyone made croquettes, because the random diners were choosing the winner and I guess everyone thought they would want fried cheese. Michelle made saag paneer with collard greens (and a croquette, to be fair) and she won. Kenny got gorgonzola cheese and thought “crab rangoon salad” and then didn't save any of his relish for the judges, so he was sent home. (click for more)

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Sunday, April 7, 2024

TAR 36, Recap Leg 4, 4/3/24


Welcome to Leg 4! Last time, on Cooking Versus Tetris Should Not Be This Hard of a Decision, 11 teams raced to Gautapé, Colombia. Juan is back in his birth country, and reminisces. The nurses fight their way to second place, while Sean can’t handle all the heights. The boyfriends finish in first, and the twins Anthony and Bailey are eliminated for not choosing a Detour and sticking with it. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Top Chef 4/3/24--"Take It Cheesy" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the first Quickfire asked the contestants to cook with hops. I guess you could have seen that coming. Laura made a rice pudding which gave her the win and the money. For the Elimination challenge, everyone had to get into two teams to elevate bar snacks. Specifically, popcorn, pickles, pretzels, mixed nuts, potato chips, olives, and Corn Nuts. Some people were very successful at this and some people just made more snacks which apparently was bad. The point of the bar snacks was so we could have a Miller High Life sponsorship. Rasika made pretzel cake with honey mustard sabayon, which sounds amazing, and was declared the winner. Valentine made corn soup, but it was not great and also tasted of “corn” and not “Corn Nuts” so he was eliminated. (click for more)

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