Thursday, April 27, 2017

TAR 29, Recap Leg 4, 4/20/17

Welcome to Leg 4! Last time, on Zany Racers Zoom Through Zanzibar!, nine teams raced from Brazil to Tanzania and on to the island of Zanzibar. In Zanzibar City, Seth and Olive and Matt and Redmond were U-turned. Liz and Michael won their second leg in a row, and Seth and Olive couldn’t recover from the U-turn and were eliminated, not before Becca and Floyd were almost eliminated for losing their passports. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Liz and Michael, Team Backwoods Hipster, #TeamLizandMike
2nd – Tara and Joey, Team Old Folks, #TeamMomAndDad
3rd – Vanck and Ashton, Team Beauty and the Geek, #TeamVanckAndAshton
4th – Matt and Redmond, Team Athletic Men. #TheBoys
5th – London and Logan, Team Vapid Models, #TeamLoLo
6th – Brooke and Scott, Team Will and Grace, #TeamBrookeandScott
7th – Shamir and Sara, Team Hot Young People, #TheSAndSExpress
8th – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm, #TeamFun

Emerson on Hurumzi Rooftop Tea House, Stone Town, Zanzibar City, Zanzibar, Tanzania

8:17 AM Liz/Michael (1st)
Clue: Head to Stone Town and find the house of Farrokh Bulsara (Freddie Mercury) before another one bites the dust. Once there, search the house for your next clue. You have $200 for this leg of the race.

8:27 AM Tara/Joey (2nd)
8:59 AM Vanck/Ashton (3rd) - and Vanck thinks it’s going to be a good day. But Ashton is still annoyed at Matt and Redmond. (Toyouke: “Ashton. Shut up. They're never going to be sorry.”)
9:08 AM Matt/Redmond (4th)
9:18 AM London/Logan (5th)
9:19 AM Brooke/Scott (6th)
9:40 AM Shamir/Sara (7th)
9:44 AM Becca/Floyd (8th)

Teams travel to the Mercury House (once they realize who Farrokh Bulsara is) and arrive in the following order:

1- Tara/Joey
2- Liz/Michael – who end up going to some house that had been torn down and searched the debris for clues. Somehow they found red and yellow marked rocks. And then they had to drive back. (Toyouke: “Michael is hysterical right now.”)
3- Vanck/Ashton
4- Matt/Redmond
5- London/Logan
6- Brooke/Scott
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Shamir/Sara

And we get the Detour Clue.

Lock OR Knock
*Lock: Teams travel to Al-Tamimi Curio Shop in Stone Town, and search through Zanzibar Chests to find their hidden compartments. Some of them have keys that open chests, and inside those locked chests are the next clue.
*Knock: Teams travel through the streets of Stone Town to find three Royal Doors: Soko Muhogo Street, House of Wonders and Sultan Palace. When they knock on each one, they will receive an artifact. Once all three are collected, teams take them to a shop on Gizenga Street to get their next clue.

1- Tara/Joey choose Knock – and find the first door very quickly. After some wandering, they choose to Bald Snark to Lock. After searching all the chests to no avail, they Double Bald Snark to Knock and complete the task.
2- Vanck/Ashton choose Knock
3- Liz/Michael choose Lock – (Toyouke: “Michael's finding the secret drawer is good, but being loud about it is bad. Also digging in the dirt forever is bad but kind of understandable.”)
4- Matt/Redmond choose Lock
5- London/Logan choose Lock – who Bald Snark to Knock.
6- Brooke/Scott choose Lock – and somehow find two keys. (Toyouke: “Brooke, don't brag about how you found it because it took you all damn day to figure it out.”)
7- Shamir/Sara choose Knock – who get two artifacts, but can’t find the third door, so Bald Snark to Lock. (Toyouke: “If you have two out of three you really should try to finish instead of starting the other Detour option from zero.”)
8- Becca/Floyd choose Lock

Much door knocking and drawer opening ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Liz/Michael
2- Matt/Redmond
3- Brooke/Scott
4- Becca/Floyd – who get Brooke and Scott’s extra key. (Toyouke: “Did that just happen? Did you give a key to Becca and give them a boost? Ha! Favors are dumb but they'll probably come through and return the favor.”)
5- Vanck/Ashton
6- Tara/Joey
7- London/Logan
8- Shamir/Sara – (Toyouke: “I dislike Shamir but he does have a point that they did what she wanted and it failed.”)

Teams are now instructed to make their way by ferry back to Dar Es Salaam and find DASICO Umasida Dispensary. Teams arrive at the ferry in the following order:

1- Liz/Michael
2- Matt/Redmond
3- Brooke/Scott
4- Becca/Floyd
5- Vanck/Ashton
6- Tara/Joey
7- London/Logan
8- Shamir/Sara – but take so long on the Detour, they actually catch a second, later ferry.

Teams land back in Dar Es Salaam in the following order:

1- Liz/Michael
2- London/Logan
3- Brooke/Scott
4- Vanck/Ashton
5- Becca/Floyd
6- Tara/Joey
7- Matt/Redmond
8- Shamir/Sara

Teams then make their way to DASICO Umasida Dispensary. Teams arrive and find the supervisor who gives them their next clue in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Vanck/Ashton
3- Tara/Joey
4- Liz/Michael
5- Matt/Redmond
6- London/Logan
7- Brooke/Scott
8- Shamir/Sara

Once they arrive, teams get the third roadblock clue.


Who loves heavy metal?

(I made that up, no question was given.)

In this roadblock, one team member must create a ladle in the workshop. It must meet the specifications of the supervisor, who, once the ladle is approved, will scoop pasta and give teams their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Becca
2- Vanck
– after Ashton really wanted to do it. (Toyouke: “Why does Ashton think she would be so great at metalworking?”)
3- Joey
4- Michael
5- Redmond
6- Logan
7- Brooke – who has a complete breakdown. (Toyouke: “OK Brooke, your partner is not a jackass for "making" you do this Roadblock when neither of you knew what it would be.”) Multiple people offer her encouragement. (Toyouke: “I wish everyone would stop helping Brooke. Telling her she can do it? Fine. Physically doing it for her? Nope.”)
8- Shamir

After much ladle making, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Tara/Joey
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Liz/Michael
4- London/Logan
5- Matt/Redmond
6- Vanck/Ashton
7- Brooke/Scott
8- Shamir/Sara

Teams find now that they must travel to Coco Beach in Msasani, the PIT STOP of the fourth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Tara/Joey – who win $5000 each.
2- Becca/Floyd
3- Liz/Michael
4- Matt/Redmond
5- London/Logan
6- Vanck/Ashton
7- Brooke/Scott
8- Shamir/Sara

Actually, we watch as the Dispensary closes, and Shamir is still working on his ladle, and Phil comes out and eliminates Shamir and Sara as this is an elimination leg. Shamir wanted to win.

1st – Tara/Joey
2nd – Becca/Floyd
3rd – Liz/Michael
4th – Matt/Redmond
5th – London/Logan
6th – Vanck/Ashton
7th – Brooke/Scott

Next week: Off to Norway! Much climbing ensues. Liz and Michael start yelling at each other, and Team Fun jumps out of a helicopter! Until next time!

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