Sunday, April 5, 2015

TAR26, Recap Leg 5, 4/3/15

Welcome to Leg 5! Last time, on Wait, When Was the Last Episode of This Show?, teams raced from Phuket to Bangkok, Thailand.  The blind date teams started to fall apart, and Rochelle managed to beat the boys at a mechanics Roadblock.  Bergen and Kurt somehow end up in first, while Matt and Ashley get hopelessly lost.  Thankfully, this was still not enough for Harley and Jonathan to catch up, and they were eliminated.  Please don’t go, girl!  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Bergen/Kurt, Team Flaming Gay YDC, #TeamBlondeDate
2nd – Hayley/Blair, Team Mismatched YDC, #RxForLove
3rd – Aly/Steve, Team Olympian YDC, #SochiLove
4th – Laura/Tyler, Team Clueless YDC, #TeamSoCal
5th – Jeff/Jackie, Team Sexy YDC, #TeamJJ
6th – Mike/Rochelle, Team Smalltown Sweetheart YDC, #TruckStopLove
7th – Jelani/Jenny, Team Intelligent YDC, #TheLegalTeam
8th – Matt/Ashley, Team Best Friend YDC, #The Hairstylists

Wat Ratchanatdaram, Loha Prasat, Bangkok, Thailand

We first get to look at Laura and Tyler’s date night, dinner and fireworks on a river cruise on the Chao Phraya River.  Tyler, however, feels he is squarely in the friend zone.

3:03 PM Bergen/Kurt (1st)
Clue: Fly 5000 miles to Munich, Germany!  Once there, make your way to Weis’n Tracht und Mehr, don traditional German clothing to get their next clue.

Bergen is convinced that since Kurt didn’t find love and doesn’t need the money that he’s officially given up on the race.  This annoys him.

3:06 PM Hayley/Blair (2nd) – and they continue to be at each other’s throats.  SAVE BLAIR!
3:12 PM Aly/Steve (3rd) – Steve says they first met in Munich.  Aw.
3:51 PM Laura/Tyler (4th)
4:20 PM Jeff/Jackie (5th)

And the chiron guy gets lazy.  ANNOYING.

Mike/Rochelle (6th) 
Jelani/Jenny (7th)
Matt/Ashley (8th)

Teams go to airport . . . and all end up on the same flight.  Ugh. Teams get their flights in the following order:

1- Bergen/Kurt
2- Hayley/Blair
3- Aly/Steve 
4- Laura/Tyler 
5- Jeff/Jackie
6- Mike/Rochelle
7- Jelani/Jenny
8- Matt/Ashley 

So the Amazing Red line takes us to Munich, where teams arrive in the following order:

1- Laura/Tyler
2- Jeff/Jackie
3- Bergen/Kurt 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Matt/Ashley
6- Jelani/Jenny
7- Mike/Rochelle
8- Aly/Steve 

Teams take the train to Wies’n Tracht und Mier and arrive in the following order:  

1- Laura/Tyler
2- Jeff/Jackie
3- Bergen/Kurt 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Matt/Ashley
6- Jelani/Jenny
7- Mike/Rochelle
8- Aly/Steve 

Teams are now instructed to get into traditional German clothes to get their next clue, which they get in the following order:

1- Laura/Tyler
2- Jeff/Jackie
3- Bergen/Kurt 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Matt/Ashley
6- Aly/Steve
7- Jelani/Jenny
8- Mike/Rochelle 

Teams discover that they must travel on foot to Altar Peter.  They arrive in the following order:

1- Laura/Tyler
2- Jeff/Jackie
3- Bergen/Kurt 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Matt/Ashley
6- Aly/Steve
7- Jelani/Jenny
8- Mike/Rochelle 

Teams arrive and get a clue saying they must climb to the top.  At the top, they must spot the marked 2015 Ford Foci, and then drive themselves to Schlafwagenfabrik to get their next clue.

Teams climb to the top, spot the cars (with or without binoculars) and get down to the cars in the following order:

1- Laura/Tyler – who pick a car, decide to grab a better parked one, and then leave their fanny pack in the original car.  Oops.
2- Hayley/Blair
3- Bergen/Kurt – and they discover quickly that neither of them can drive stick shift.  Instead, they decide to take a taxi. (Toyouke: "SIGH")
4- Matt/Ashley
5- Aly/Steve
6- Jeff/Jackie – who take Tyler and Laura’s old car and discover the fanny pack.  They also yell at each other about being incompetent.
7- Mike/Rochelle
8- Jelani/Jenny 

Teams now drive themselves to Schlafwagenfabrik and get their next clue in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Laura/Tyler
3- Matt/Ashley 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Bergen/Kurt
6- Jeff/Jackie
7- Jelani/Jenny
8- Mike/Rochelle 

Teams are now instructed to drive their 2015 Ford Focus through a winter display in the warehouse backwards.  While driving, they must spot letters in signs they see what spell “Schliersee”, their next clue.  When complete, teams drive back to the front of the course and give their clue to Fake Elsa and Fake Sven, who gives them their next clue.

So, teams drive backwards* and get their next clue from Fake Elsa in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Laura/Tyler – who then choose to wait for their old car to show up in order to get their Fanny Pack.
3- Matt/Ashley 
4- Hayley/Blair
5- Jeff/Jackie
6- Jelani/Jenny
7- Mike/Rochelle – who have difficulty driving a stick, and then get lost in getting to the stop.
8- Bergen/Kurt – who showed up in a taxi, and thus couldn’t drive backwards to get their clue, and had to take a 2 hour penalty instead. 

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves to the clue location, Schliersee, and take a rowboat out into Lake Schliersee to get their next clue.

Teams arrive at the Schliersee clue in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Hayley/Blair
3- Matt/Ashley 
4- Jeff/Jackie
5- Jelani/Jenny
6- Laura/Tyler
7- Mike/Rochelle
8- Bergen/Kurt – who take the train, because it’s cheaper.

And we FINALLY get the Detour Clue.

Stein OR Stack
*Stein: Teams drive themselves to Wolfsee Halle and carry 22 full steins of beer to a table after navigating the tables of the beer hall.  Once all of the steins are delivered successfully, teams receive their next clue.
*Stack: Teams drive to a field where they participate in stacking beer cartons.  One person climbs while they other person helps to stack the 15 cartons in order to get their next clue.

1- Aly/Steve choose Stein
2- Hayley/Blair choose Stein – and, thanks to Hayley’s multiple failures, she bullies Blair into Bald Snarking to Stack.
3- Matt/Ashley choose Stein
4- Jeff/Jackie choose Stack
5- Jelani/Jenny choose Stack
6- Laura/Tyler choose Stack
7- Mike/Rochelle choose Stack
8- Bergen/Kurt choose Stack – and then try and take the train to get there, but appear to have gotten off at the wrong stop. . .

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Matt/Ashley
3- Jeff/Jackie  
4- Laura/Tyler 
5- Jelani/Jenny  
6- Hayley/Blair
7- Mike/Rochelle

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves to the Markus Wasmeier Museum to get their next clue.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Matt/Ashley
3- Laura/Tyler  
4- Jeff/Jackie 
5- Jelani/Jenny  
6- Hayley/Blair
7- Mike/Rochelle

Once they arrive, teams get the third Roadblock clue.


Who wants to woo?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must learn a German love song and sing it correctly to their teammate.  If they do not, they have water dumped on them and must continue learning the song.  If they complete it successfully, they get their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Aly
2- Ashley
3- Laura
4- Jackie
5- Jenny
6- Blair
7- Mike

After much singing on ladders and water dumping, teams finish the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Aly/Steve
2- Matt/Ashley 
3- Jeff/Jackie  
4- Jelani/Jenny
5- Hayley/Blair  
6- Laura/Tyler
7- Mike/Rochelle

Teams are now instructed to drive themselves to Lake Spitzingsee, the PIT STOP of the fifth leg of this racearoundtheworld.  The last team to arrive may be eliminated!

1- Aly/Steve – and they each win a 2015 Ford Focus.
2- Matt/Ashley
3- Jeff/Jackie
4- Jelani/Jenny
5- Hayley/Blair
6- Laura/Tyler  
7- Mike/Rochelle – who apparently win the Date Night.
8- Bergen/Kurt – who are still stuck at a train station.

Phil makes his way to the train station that Bergen and Kurt never left and informs them that all the other teams have checked in and they are eliminated from the race.  No love lost, and they leave the train station in separate directions.

1st – Aly/Steve
2nd – Matt/Ashley
3rd – Jeff/Jackie
4th – Jelani/Jenny
5th – Hayley/Blair
6th – Laura/Tyler
7th – Mike/Rochelle

Next week: The Race travels to Monaco, and teams get dressed to the nines.  And do a ropes course.  Until next time!

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