Saturday, March 23, 2024

TAR 36, Recap Leg 2, 3/20/24


Welcome to Leg 2! Last time, on Maybe This Time Thirteen Teams Won’t Be Too Many, 13 teams started Amazing Race 36 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Chris and Mary have a slow start, but Maya and Rohan get their car wedged between curbs. Juan and Shane get lost, but are able to catch up on the Roadblock, in no small part to Karishma forgetting her bandana. In the end, though, Maya and Rohan were unable to recover and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:

1st – Rod and Leticia, Team NFL Fitness

2nd – Ricky and Cesar, Team Dating Dudes

3rd – Derek and Shelisa, Team Retired Blue Bloods

4th – Juan and Shane, Team Top Gun

5th – Michelle and Sean, Team Double Dutch

6th – Yvonne and Melissa, Dating Hikers

7th – Angie and Danny, Team Family Education

8th – Anthony and Bailey, Team Beach Bum Twins

9th – Sunny and Bizzy, Team Badass Firefighter

10th – Kishori and Karishma, Team Cousin

11th – Chris and Mary, Team Daddy-Daughter Dance

12th – Amber and Vinny, Team Dating Nurses

Plaza de Los Arcos del Malecón, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

12:05 PM Rod/Leticia (1st)

Clue: Travel by foot to the Zona Romantica and find your next clue box in the middle of the Iguana Bridge. You will be on foot for the entirety of this leg.

12:01 PM Ricky/Cesar (2nd) – who talk about maybe using the Race as a reason to take the next step in their relationship. (Toyouke: “Do not use TAR to decide if you should get married. That's a terrible idea.”)

12:22 PM Derek/Shalisa (3rd) – who realize that they have known each other longer than some teams have been alive.

1:01 PM Juan/Shane (4th)

1:11 PM Michelle/Sean (5th)

1:12 PM Yvonne/Melissa (6th) – and Melissa gives us the title quote, “Trust But Verify,” which is quite the fitting motto for this leg.

1:15 PM Angie/Danny (7th)

1:16 PM Anthony/Bailey (8th)

1:18 PM Sunny/Bizzy (9th) – (Toyouke: “Yes yes, girl power etc., but no one who watches this show on a regular basis has any doubt female teams are fully capable. TAR does an excellent job showing strong all-female teams.”)

1:31 PM Kishori/Karishma (10th)

1:41 PM Chris/Mary (11th)

1:42 PM Amber/Vinny (12th)

So teams make their way to Iguana Bridge. Or try to. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Rod/Leticia

2- Ricky/Cesar

3- Derek/Shelisa

4- Juan/Shane

5- Yvonne/Melissa

6- Sunny/Bizzy

7- Anthony/Bailey

8- Angie/Danny

9- Amber/Vinny – who get directions from Danny when they are working the next task.

10- Chris/Mary

11- Kishori/Karishma – who arrive only after going to the Roadblock first, not realizing that they aren’t on a bridge at all. (Toyouke: “ do you think this is a bridge?”)

12- Michelle/Sean - who arrive only after getting completely lost and going to the Roadblock first, not realizing that they aren’t on a bridge at all. (Toyouke: “If I knew they were wrong I might still tell them it's the bridge because I would not fathom someone not knowing this isn't a bridge?”)

Teams open their clues when they get them and we get the second Detour Clue.


Balloon Collection OR Color Correction

*Balloon Collection: Teams make their way by foot to Isla Cuale. They must wander the island and collect two bunches of red, yellow and purple balloons. Once all the balloons are collected, teams find the balloon vendor, who will give them their next clue.

*Color Correction: Teams make their way by foot to Isla Cuale. Teams find the plaza strung with papel piado and find one with the incorrect color pattern. Once the party planner verifies the string of banners is the correct one, teams get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “Why would you not do balloons? They aren't heavy? Vs. Swedish Roulette?”)

1- Ricky/Cesar choose Balloon Collection – and promptly misread the clue and only collect one bundle of balloons before realizing their mistake.

2- Rod/Leticia choose Balloon Collection

3- Derek/Shalisa choose Balloon Collection

4- Juan/Shane choose Balloon Collection

5- Sunny/Bizzy choose Color Correction – (Toyouke: “Why would anyone stay on this color Detour choice? They barely know what to do.”)

6- Anthony/Bailey choose Color Correction – but when they arrive, they can’t comprehend the concept of finding a banner with the wrong color order, so they Bald Snark to Balloon Collection. (Toyouke: “These boys seem too dumb for this Detour option.”)

7- Angie Danny choose Color Correction – but Superfan Danny who has hosted his own versions of the Amazing Race back home can’t correctly explain to his mother what exactly they have to do, so they Bald Snark to Balloon Collection. (Toyouke: “Yes every season has a superfan but I never like the superfans. They have that annoying theater kid energy that bugs me.”)

8- Yvonne/Melissa choose Balloon Collection

9- Amber/Vinny choose Balloon Collection

10- Kishori/Karishma choose Color Correction – and are doing a decent job of coming up with a system, but they can’t seem to work together, so they Bald Snark to Balloon Collection.

11- Chris/Mary choose Color Correction – but Mary seems to over analyze the task and making it more complicated, so they Bald Snark to Balloon Collection.

12- Michelle/Sean choose Balloon Collection

Much banner recognition and balloon collecting ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Rod/Leticia

2- Ricky/Cesar

3- Derek/Shelisa

4- Juan/Shane

5- Yvonne/Melissa

6- Anthony/Bailey

7- Angie/Danny

8- Amber/Vinny

9- Sunny/Bizzy

10- Michelle/Sean

11- Kishori/Karishma

12- Chris/Mary

Teams are now instructed to make their way to Lazaro Cardenes Park to get their next clue. Teams arrive at the park in the following order:

1- Rod/Leticia

2- Ricky/Cesar

3- Derek/Shelisa – who are then technically followed by Michelle/Sean and Kishori/Karishma, but they eventually realize they are there in error.

4- Juan/Shane

5- Yvonne/Melissa

6- Anthony/Bailey

7- Amber/Vinny

8- Angie/Danny

9- Sunny/Bizzy

10- Michelle/Sean

11- Kishori/Karishma

12- Chris/Mary

When they rip open the clue, teams get the second roadblock.


Who has a skeleton in the closet?

In this roadblock, one team member must paint the face of the other with a Day of the Dead calavera design. Once properly completed, the performers will give the teams their next clue and butterfly wings to wear until the completion of the leg.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Leticia

2- Ricky

3- Shalisa

4- Shane

5- Melissa

6- Bailey

7- Amber

8- Danny

9- Bizzy

10- Michelle – who chose to do the Roadblock erroneously in their first visit, but was required to complete the job when they returned.

11- Kishori - – who chose to do the Roadblock erroneously in their first visit, but was required to complete the job when they returned.

12- Mary

After much face painting, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Rod/Leticia

2- Ricky/Cesar

3- Derek/Shelisa

4- Juan/Shane

5- Yvonne/Melissa

6- Anthony/Bailey

7- Angie/Danny

8- Amber/Vinny

9- Michelle/Sean

10- Sunny/Bizzy

11- Kishori/Karishma

12- Chris/Mary

Teams are now instructed to make their way on foot to the bridge that connects Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton’s houses in order to find Casa Kimberly, the PIT STOP of the second leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!

1- Rod/Leticia – who win a trip for two from Expedia to Lisbon, Portugal. (Toyouke: “Ooo...look at their faces. I don't think they want to go to Portugal.”)

2- Ricky/Cesar

3- Derek/Shelisa

4- Juan/Shane

5- Yvonne/Melissa

6- Angie/Danny

7- Amber/Vinny

8- Anthony/Bailey – Anthony: "I don't know who Elizabeth Taylor is" (Toyouke: “Goddammit.”)

9- Sunny/Bizzy

10- Kishori/Karishma

11- Michelle/Sean

12- Chris/Mary

And Chris and Mary are eliminated. Mary says she’s a lifelong fan of the show and is happy to be able to do any part of the Race. Chris thought the whole experience rocked, even with the heat exhaustion.


1st – Rod/Leticia

2nd – Ricky/Cesar

3rd – Derek/Shalisa

4th – Juan/Shane

5th – Yvonne/Melissa

6th – Angie/Danny

7th – Amber/Vinny

8th – Anthony/Bailey

9th – Sunny/Bizzy

10th – Kishori/Karishma

11th – Michelle/Sean

Next week: Guatapé, Colombia! Angie and Danny are in a boat that stalls. The twins keep switching Detours. And Sean has to do heights, which is not his thing. Until next time!

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