Sunday, October 29, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 4, 10/25/23


Welcome to Leg 4! Last time, on Even With a Pit Stop, Keep Racing Counts as a Double Leg Just Saying, 11 teams continued racing through Vietnam, some on very little sleep from the night before. Emotions ran high, and at the Swedish Roulette Roadblock, Robbin and Chelsea emerged as the victors. In a shocking twist, Jocelyn and Victor, who won the first two legs, were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 3.2, 10/18/23


Welcome back to Leg 3! Last time, on I Miss Airport Drama, 11 teams raced from Thailand to Vietnam. Teams had to get their own flights, and this resulted in airline delays and secret flights being discovered. The sisters played their Express Pass at the floating market, and then struggled to maintain their lead. Team Texas lucked out by snagging one of the earliest departure times for the floating market, and made their way into first place, while the brothers ended up, and I quote Phil, “dead last”. But they were told to keep racing! So Leg 3 continues. . . I think. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 3.1, 10/11/23


Welcome to Leg 3! Last time, on You’ll Never Change Standings That Much If You Stay in the Same City, 12 teams continued racing through Thailand. There was pressure and many lost shoes at the Roadblock, where Idaho Dad Bod managed to leave their fanny pack. Retail Love had a Detour option made just for them, and they once again took first place, while mother/daughter Elizabeth and Iliana traveled to the Detour they didn’t want, but did it anyway and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 2, 10/04/23


Welcome to Leg 2! Last time, on Why Are There So Many Teams This Season?, a record 13 teams started Amazing Race 35 in Los Angeles, California. We are told that there are no NELs, but airport drama is back! Teams made their way to Bangkok, Thailand, where Morgan and Lena ate bugs for the Express Pass, and Elizabeth and Iliana risked going home first to do the Massage Task in the Detour. The grocery store owners took first place, while the nerdy siblings couldn't learn choreography and were eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

TAR 35, Recap Leg 1, 9/27/23


Welcome to Leg 1 of The Amazing Race 35! It’s been a full year since we last saw the amazing Phil, and with two seasons ready to go (including one from before this one that still uses charter flights; we’ll discuss that later) we get the one that was filmed more recently. (Toyouke: “Just in time for the strike to be over!”) Phil voices over that flights are back! As are the Express Pass and the U-Turn! All of which he’ll bring up again later! But then we careen towards the Hollywood sign, and we get to meet the teams. (click for more)

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