Thursday, February 3, 2022

TAR 33, Recap Leg 6, 2/2/22


Welcome to Leg 6! Last time, on By The Way, Sheri’s Doing the Roadblock, 6 teams raced through Switzerland to Lugano. Sheri had to take another heights Roadblock, but is getting better at them. Ryan and Dusty won their second leg in a row and third overall. And Arun and Natalia tried to go to the wrong city and finished last, but were saved by a non-elimination leg. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:

1st – Ryan and Dusty, Team Not Guilty

2nd – Lulu and Lala, Team iHeartTwinning

3rd – Kim and Penn, The YouTube Parents

4th – Raquel and Cayla, The Flight Attendants

5th – Akbar and Sheri, The Teacher Cagers

6th – Arun and Natalia, Team Bollywood Bonding

Parco Ciani, Lugano, Switzerland

Teams are whisked away to Lugano Airport, and their first charter flight to a new destination. Once there, teams will be transported to the Pit Start Location, Pont Altiani, in France.

Pont Altiani, Altiani, Corsica, France

9:00 AM Ryan/Dusty (1st)

Clue: Make your way to Corte, and once there, find the Belvédère de Corte to find your next clue and a canister of goat milk.

(Toyouke: “I was going to complain about the random goat's milk, but honestly it's not as dumb as the gnome.”)

9:00 AM Lulu/Lala (2nd)

9:15 AM Kim/Penn (3rd) – and Kim has decided to change her attitude today. That could get interesting

9:15 AM Raquel/Cayla (4th)

9:15 AM Akbar/Sheri (5th) – who have decided to be more unified today. We’ll see how that plays out.

9:30 AM Arun/Natalia (6th)

Teams are taken in their chartered vans to the center of Corte, from which they travel by foot to the Belvédère. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Ryan/Dusty

2- Lulu/Lala

3- Kim/Penn

4- Raquel/Cayla

5- Akbar/Sheri

6- Arun/Natalia

Teams open their clues and we get the sixth Detour Clue.


Say Cheese OR Mule Please

*Say Cheese: Teams take their milk in their vans, transfer to golf carts and travel to Fromagerie Fermière, where they must convert their milk into cheese. Once teams can fill 3 baskets with cheese, teams can get their next clue from the head cheese(maker).

*Mule Please: Teams take their milk in their vans, transfer to golf carts and travel to Fromagerie Fermière, and then travel up the hill to find the mules. Once there, teams must harness their mules correctly, put the milk on the harness and guide their mules down the path back to the Fromagerie. Once they arrive, teams can get their next clue from the head cheese(maker).

(Toyouke: “Hmm...animals are always a wild card.  Is it that complicated to make cheese? You're not hand-pulling mozzarella?”)

1- Lulu/Lala choose Say Cheese

2- Ryan/Dusty choose Say Cheese – but struggle to make any, so much so that everyone else passes them. So they Bald Snark to Mule Please, which goes much better.

3- Raquel/Cayla choose Mule Please

4- Kim/Penn choose Mule Please – (Toyouke: “I know that horses and mules are different, but I was always taught to not walk behind horses or do anything without letting them know you were back there because that's how you get kicked in the head.”)

5- Akbar/Sheri choose Say Cheese

6- Arun/Natalia choose Say Cheese

Much harness fixing and cheese making ensues. (Toyouke: “I appreciate the map of how far the Detour options are from each other.”) So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Kim/Penn

2- Lulu/Lala

3- Raquel/Cayla

4- Akbar/Sheri

5- Arun/Natalia

6- Ryan/Dusty

(Toyouke: “OK did not realize that the mule Detour ended at the cheese Detour so you know EXACTLY what place you are in. I kind of love it.”) Teams are now instructed to go back to their vans and make their way to Verghellu Canyon Altipiani to get their next clue. Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Kim/Penn

2- Lulu/Lala

3- Raquel/Cayla

4- Akbar/Sheri

5- Arun/Natalia

6- Ryan/Dusty – (Toyouke: “First of all, those boys need to calm down. Second, can you even pass anyone on this Roadblock? Or is that a safety thing?”)

When they rip open the clue, teams get the fifth roadblock.


Who wants to make a splash?

In this roadblock, one team member must go canyoning on a 1.5 mile course, and find their clue along the way. Once complete and back with their team members, they can open their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Penn

2- Lulu

3- Raquel

4- Akbar

5- Arun

6- Ryan

After much canyoning, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Kim/Penn

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Lulu/Lala

4- Arun/Natalia

5- Ryan/Dusty

6- Akbar/Sheri

Teams are now instructed to make their way to the Tavignano River and find the inflatable kayaks. Teams arrive at the kayaks in the following order:

1- Kim/Penn

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Lulu/Lala

4- Arun/Natalia

5- Ryan/Dusty

6- Akbar/Sheri

Teams inflate their kayaks and depart in the following order:

1- Kim/Penn

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Ryan/Dusty

4- Arun/Natalia

5- Lulu/Lala – who forgot to read the clue and leave their bags in the van. (Toyouke: “Always read the clue.”)

6- Akbar/Sheri

Teams are now instructed to kayak down the river to Cardiccia Dam, the PIT STOP of the sixth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Kim/Penn – who win $5000 each.

2- Raquel/Cayla

3- Ryan/Dusty – (Toyouke: “I mean you could hope the boys were humbled by falling so far behind but clearly they are not.”)

4- Arun/Natalia

5- Lulu/Lala

6- Akbar/Sheri

Akbar and Sheri are the last team to arrive and are eliminated from the Race. Akbar admitted he struggled in the mountains, but wouldn’t have traded this experience. (Toyouke: “I really liked them, but physically they were nowhere near prepared for the race.”)


1st – Kim/Penn

2nd – Raquel/Cayla

3rd – Ryan/Dusty

4th – Arun/Natalia

5th – Lulu/Lala

Next week: More Corsica! Ryan and Dusty struggle at something else! Also, teams get to try casa marzu. Yummy! Until next time!

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