Thursday, December 17, 2020

TAR 32, Recap Leg 11, 12/16/20


Welcome to Leg 11! Last time, on Seriously, There’s No More Alliance *fingers crossed*, 4 teams raced to Manila, Philippines, for the first ever City Sprint. Teams raced around Manila and ended up at a “final task” where the secret 3 alliance bonded against DeAngelo and Gary, who were annoyingly eliminated. This leaves us with Riley and Maddison, the professional volleyball playing brothers, who constantly lament about never winning anything; Will and James, the dating gay couple, who have coasted through the race even though James is a lifelong fan; and Hung and Chee, married parents who with smart racing have been more efficient than most other teams. Who will win The Amazing Race 32? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:

1st – Riley and Maddison, The Hawaiian Volleyball Brothers

2nd – Will and James, Team Gay Reality Stars

3rd – Hung and Chee, The Honeymooning Asians

Lapu-Lapu Circle, Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines

5:58 AM Riley/Maddison (1st) – who had a shaky start and now three leg wins in a row, so they are feeling confident.

Clue: Fly to your FINAL DESTINATION CITY: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA! Once there, take a taxi to Louis Armstrong Park in the French Quarter to get your next clue.

(Toyouke: “Still think they should have sent them to New Orleans during actual Mardi Gras.”)

6:01 AM Will/James (2nd) – who feels they have a strong foundation to finish the race.

6:03 AM Hung/Chee (3rd) – and Hung states that the Race has refreshed why she fell in love with Chee. (Toyouke: “Everyone is insufferable but Hung and Chee.”)

So teams make their way to Ninoy Aquino International Airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Riley/Maddison

2- Will/James

3- Hung/Chee

Since everyone is on the same flight, the Amazing Orange Line takes us directly to New Orleans where teams arrive at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in the following order:

1- Riley/Maddison

2- Will/James

3- Hung/Chee

Teams take taxis to Louis Armstrong Park and arrive in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison – who ended up with a taxi driver who didn’t know where the park was.

Teams are now instructed to run to Bourbon Street in the heart of the French Quarter and get on one of three Mardi Gras floats. Once there, they catch beads being thrown by the crowd in order to collect 50 red and 50 yellow strands of beads that match the ones the Grand Marshall on the float in order to get their next clue. (Toyouke: “"Gather necklaces"? What kind of final leg task is this?”) Teams run and arrive on Bourbon Street in the following order:

1- Will/James – Will: “I’ve been to New Orleans, I know where Bourbon Street is!” (Toyouke: “Look, knowing where Bourbon Street is isn't special, it's not like you couldn't get directions from literally ANYONE.”)

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Much bead catching ensues, after realizing that their beads have to exactly match the ones on the Grand Marshall. (Toyouke: “How did this final three get so far not reading clues properly.”) Teams get their required beads and their clues in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

When they rip open the clue, teams get the tenth roadblock.


Who will be left holding the baby?

In this roadblock, teams must travel by foot to Café Beignet with a Mardi Gras band. Once there, one team member must search a number of King Cakes to find the one with the baby. Then, they rejoin their team member to eat a half dozen beignets in order to get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “Swedish Roulette??!?! You're going to put Swedish Roulette on the final leg. I don't know if I like that.”) So teams choose a Mardi Gras Band, don washboards, and arrive at Café Beignet in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Will

2- Chee – who searches every cake and leaves the baby on the table.

3- Maddison

Teams then receive and eat their half dozen beignets in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

After much cake searching and beignet eating, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Teams are now instructed to take a taxi to the New Orleans Convention Center and find their clue outside of Hall H. Teams arrive at the clue box in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

When they rip open the clue, teams get the eleventh and final roadblock.


Who wants to take a swing at this Roadblock?

In this roadblock, teams must choose a vehicle to travel to the challenge area. Once there, one team member must climb under the 180 foot bridge and leap out over the Mississippi River in order to get their next clue.

So teams pick a vehicle and arrive at the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- James

2- Hung

3- Riley

After much bridge jumping, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Teams are now instructed to rappel off the bridge and find a giant ball to roll to Mardi Gras World. Teams finish the rappel in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Teams collect their giant ball and roll it to Mardi Gras World to get the clue in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Teams are now instructed to search the Mardi Gras World warehouse for a crate with 32 pieces of a globe puzzle. Teams are then instructed to put together the puzzle on their ball and place it on a float. Once approved by the Mardi Gras World owner, teams get their next clue. (Toyouke: “See the final challenge should be the memory thing! Not "build a globe" I mean you could do it just based on constructing a puzzle and matching up coastlines. You don't have to have geography knowledge, right?”) Teams complete the puzzle in the following order:

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

Teams find now that they must now travel to the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the FINISH LINE of this racearoundtheworld. The first team to arrive will WIN the Amazing Race!

1- Will/James

2- Hung/Chee

3- Riley/Maddison

17 cities, 11 countries, over 33000 miles, Will and James, you are the winners of The Amazing Race 32! And Will then proposes to James on the mat. (Toyouke: “There wasn't anywhere to change team placements except for the king cake. Catching beads was pretty linear, the only way to get ahead would be for someone to really screw up. You can't gain time on the bridge. I guess you could have gained time on the globe but no one even saw each other at the warehouse so it wasn't that close. And now they're going to spend all their interviews talking about how they're the best team and how smart they are and completely ignore all the help they got.”)


1st – Will/James

2nd – Hung/Chee

3rd – Riley/Maddison

4th – DeAngelo/Gary

5th – Eswar/Aparna

6th – Kaylynn/Haley

7th – Leo/Alana

8th – Michelle/Victoria

9th – Jerry/Frank

10th – Kellie/LaVonne

11th – Nathan/Cody

Next season: Well, TAR33 was filming and then the pandemic happened, so we’ll see if we ever get another round. (Toyouke: “Rumor is now we won't get another season for 3 or 4 years, if we ever get one. It's sad this might be the last season.”) But if we do, we’ll see you next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...