Thursday, August 22, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"Ready to Run" summary s6e7

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: Colt and Larissa fought over the wedding. Larissa wants a fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant, like, say, this Brazilian steakhouse. Colt does not want to spend as much money. He made a stupid joke, then when Larissa got mad he tried to fix it by taking her to look at a venue, but then while there he flirted with the hostess and pissed off Larissa again. Steven continued to be an ass, but in interview he claimed to get it. But when actually speaking to Olga he acted like they both were causing the problem. Ashley decided she didn't trust Jay, even though she basically admitted to everyone that she didn't care if he was cheating on her in Jamaica (she also changed the story to “Natalie lied about Jay in Jamaica”). Now that he's here, apparently, he's not allowed to talk to anyone that's not his family and has to tell her where he's going. They had a really annoying fight about it, where Jay was offended that Ashley was suspicious but also wouldn't say anything to clear himself. I have zero patience for someone who kicked her best friend out of her life for saying “Jay cheated on you” but then can turn around and say “I don't trust him and he better not be cheating”. Eric and Leida finally went back to their lives, after taking Leida's family back to the airport. Reina was so unhappy she refused to say goodbye. Leida is apparently personally offended by the messy apartment, and she decided Tasha did it on purpose. As they met for the first time, Leida basically ordered Tasha to move out that day, while Eric tried to tell her he wasn't putting his daughter on the street, and also suggesting things like Tasha staying in a motel. Tasha pointed out that she's on the lease, and Leida isn't, so whatever. Kalani refused to deal with her problems like an adult and had her brother Nick take Asuelu out with the baby so that Nick could spy and see if Asuelu was “safe” with Oliver. Nick decided that putting the baby on his shoulders, while holding onto him, was so unsafe that Kalani shouldn't marry him. Asuelu was not happy to learn about the spying, because Kalani just flat out told him like it was no big deal. He asked if he always does things wrong then why is he here? Jonathan and Fernanda went to Chicago, where Jonathan's sister was pleasant in person but not very supportive in confessional. Jonathan's mom was passive aggressive and kept bringing up Fernanda's age and pretending she didn't mean to be harsh. (click for more)
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Saturday, August 17, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"Flirting With Disaster" summary s6e6

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: Fernanda sulked overnight and eventually forgave Jonathan, although I'm not sure it was because of anything he actually did. I think she just got tired of making him beg forgiveness. Then he admitted to her that his mother only found out about the engagement on social media, and so maybe his family won't instantly love her. Olga finally had her Caesarian section and had a healthy baby boy. Steven is very self-absorbed, and only concerned about himself, until the baby is finally here and he is holding his son. He sadly did not faint at the sight of blood. This is short lived because as soon as Olga is discharged, he was over in the hospital yelling at her to hurry up and change into street clothes so they can go home because according to him, only being allowed into the hospital for an hour a day is the worst thing to happen to him. Larissa tried to get Colt to buy a better car, one with air conditioning, but he said it's not in the budget. She literally says she would rather have a car than a big wedding. Later Colt decided he needed to buy her a giant ring to propose properly, and Larissa showed the most emotion and love for Colt she has shown this whole season. This is after Colt took her to the Stratosphere, which is the tallest structure on the Vegas Strip, knowing she was afraid of heights. So he just didn't warn her because otherwise she wouldn't agree to go. Jay thought everyone was staring at him, because Ashley lives in a neighborhood with no black people. He got his hair cut and the guys at the barbershop were hilarious, plus he seemed much more comfortable with other black guys. Asuelu and Kalani drove to Utah. Asuelu is not used to car seats, so when Oliver started crying he took the baby out of the car seat while they were on the highway. Kalani completely lost her shit and screamed at him, so in response to her “treating [him] like a child”, he refused to speak to her until the next morning. They then met Kalani's brother Nick who felt the best way to start his relationship with his future brother-in-law is to demand a nickname because his name is too long, then give him a condom. Leida hated Eric's apartment so much she refused to sleep there, and then the next morning she took her whole family over to look at it. Immediately after they agreed that it was a dump, she changed her tune about how Eric was looking for somewhere else, and she'll just have to deal with it. I have no idea why she would say “My family won't let me stay here if they think it's not good enough” and then take them to the apartment to show them it wasn't good enough. Then her family tried to shame her into not forcing Tasha to move out and offered Eric money for a better place and Leida said she wasn't moving back and I have no idea. (click for more)
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Sunday, August 4, 2019

90 Day Fiance--"Not What I Thought" summary s6e5

Previously on “90 Day Fiance”: Larissa wanted to buy a couch, but Colt's mom wouldn't let her buy one without Colt's input. She sulked for a while, and then we were told that Colt and his mom share a bank account and that Colt thought they'd continue that after marriage. Mom clarified later (on the live show) that they have a joint account for household expenses, but they also have separate accounts. She also said Larissa is really funny and has redeeming qualities. Larissa and Colt went to visit Colt's cousin, who decided they're not going to work out because Colt just wants sex, and Larissa is just using him for a green card. Olga went into labor, and Steven was a complete idiot about how he was going to be present for his son's birth, if he had to fight the whole hospital. They did eventually let him in, and then Olga went for a Cesarean section so who knows how Steven is going to react. Leida's family returned to Wisconsin, but not after she told Eric her son isn't comfortable with him, like that's going to help. When she finally saw his apartment, she was horrified because it's a huge mess. Eric blamed his daughter, but she said in the live show afterwards that he did not clean before leaving. Leida hated the apartment and she doesn't like that Eric speaks to his ex wife and she knows her family will hate it too. Ashley threw Jay a surprise party, and of course Jay and Natalie had to have a conversation where he demanded she say exactly what she overheard about his cheating, which she wouldn't do, but then he never actually denied anything. Jay decided this drama meant that Natalie had to be cut out of their lives forever, and Ashley agreed, saying Natalie was just jealous and attention-seeking. So she cut Natalie out of the wedding. Fernanda and Jonathan went to Myrtle Beach to get away. During dinner Fernanda said she was worried Jonathan's family wouldn't like her, even though he made it clear he didn't care if they did or not. Later they went clubbing, and some random girl tried to dance with him. Fernanda lost it and stormed out and they had a big fight. Asuelu and Kalani are going to move to Utah, because Kalani quit her job to hang out with Asuelu and so now they have to live at her parents' second home. Before they left, they had another super awkward dinner with her sister, who reluctantly admitted she'll probably have to give Asuelu a chance. (click for more)
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