Monday, May 5, 2014

TAR24, Recap Leg 10, 5/4/14

Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Climb to the Top of Mount Titlis, Hee, the remaining five teams raced from Italy to Switzerland.  Everyone wants Brenchel out, and the Accidental Alliance of teams forms.  Dave and Connor finish first again, and Caroline and Jennifer are last on the final NEL of the season.  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Dave/Connor, Team LIVESTRONG
2nd – Jet/Cord, The Cowboys
3rd – Leo/Jamal, The Afghanimals
4th – Brendon/Rachel, Team Brenchel
5th – Caroline/Jennifer, The Country Singers

Mount Titlis, Trübsee, Switzerland

2:35 PM Dave/Connor (1st)
Clue: Drive to Zurich and fly to Seville Spain!  Once there, make your way to the Alameda and find your clue between Hercules and Caesar.  CAUTION: U-Turn Ahead!

(Toyouke: “Another fricking U-Turn. I bet it's a double. I'm tired of U-Turns.”)

2:37 PM Jet/Cord (2nd) – who are staying neutral in the whole Brenchel battle.  That could hurt them if they aren’t careful.
2:38 PM Leo/Jamal (3rd)
2:42 PM Brendon/Rachel (4th)
2:58 PM Caroline/Jennifer (5th) – who are shocked that anyone would U-Turn Dave and Connor.  (Toyouke: “You U-Turn Dave and Connor because otherwise they'll kick your ass because they're good. They're certainly free to be insulted but that is kind of getting annoying.”)

Teams drive themselves to Zurich and arrive in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Jet/Cord 
4- Caroline/Jennifer
5- Brendon/Rachel – who stop at a travel agent.

Teams arrive at the airport and find that there are really two options for flight, one significantly better than the other.  Teams get flights in the following order:

Flight 1: depart 5:00 pm, arrive 9:25 pm
1) Dave/Connor
2) Leo/Jamal

Flight 1: depart 7:05 pm, layover in Barcelona, arrive 8:45 am
1) Jet/Cord
2) Caroline/Jennifer
3) Brendon/Rachel

The Amazing red and yellow lines take us to Seville and teams arrive in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Dave/Connor
3- Jet/Cord
4- Brendon/Rachel  
5- Caroline/Jennifer

The teams now make their way to the Alameda in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Dave/Connor
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Brendon/Rachel  
5- Jet/Cord

Once there, teams find that their clue won’t be there until 8:30 in the morning.  However, this ends up only affecting the first two teams.  Once the trumpeter arrives, the teams get their clues in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Dave/Connor
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Brendon/Rachel  
5- Jet/Cord

Teams are now instructed to find the Melado Peluqueros.  They arrive in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Jet/Cord  
5- Brendon/Rachel – who have a taxi driver that can’t find the place.

And teams get the tenth roadblock clue.


Who wants to be a Barber of Seville?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must shave a balloon covered in shaving cream in less than sixty seconds without popping the balloon.  Once complete, teams get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “'re giving these morons sharp objects. That's a great idea.”)

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Connor
2- Jamal
3- Jennifer
4- Jet
5- Rachel

After much balloon shaving, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Brendon/Rachel
4- Caroline/Jennifer  
5- Jet/Cord

Teams are now instructed to travel to Real Alcázar and find the Patio de las Doncellas to get their next clue. 

When they arrive, we find that Caroline and Jennifer have their Speed Bump.


A Speed Bump is a task that must be performed by the last place team on a non-elimination leg. Once they complete this task, they may return to the place where the Speed Bump occurred and continue the leg. In this speed bump, teams must deliver six jamónes ibéricos to the Las Teresas Café Bar.  Once the hams are delivered, they may continue racing.

Teams complete the Speed Bump in the following order:

1- Caroline/Jennifer

After much ham carrying, they continue with the rest of the teams in getting the next clue in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Brendon/Rachel
4- Jet/Cord  
5- Caroline/Jennifer

And we get the Detour Clue. 

Spanish Steps OR Run With the Ballz
*Spanish Steps: Teams must travel to the Museo del Baile Flamenco and learn a dance.  Once it is performed to the satisfaction of the judges, teams get their next clue.
*Donkey Build: Teams must travel to the Calle Lope de Rueda and wear bumpers while avoiding bulls and memorizing the motto, “A matador never thinks about his own death.”  Once they recite the phrase to the matador, teams will get their next clue.

1- Dave/Connor choose Run With the Ballz
2- Leo/Jamal choose Run With the Ballz
3- Brendon/Rachel choose Run With the Ballz
4- Jet/Cord choose Run With the Ballz
5- Caroline/Jennifer choose Spanish Steps – after they get turned around running to the other detour.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor – (Toyouke: “I love that when it was over Dave was so tired and Connor had the best time.“)
2- Leo/Jamal – and Jamal twists his knee. (Toyouke: “I am OK with "The Destruction of Leo and Jamal".  Hey maybe they'll be hurt and have to quit. That would be terrible.  Also Dave says you're a wuss.”)
3- Brendon/Rachel – Rachel: "These guys are rough".  (Toyouke: “From what I can see they are being SUPER easy on Rachel.”)
4- Jet/Cord  - after missing a sign and having to go back.
5- Caroline/Jennifer

Teams are now instructed to travel on foot to the General Archive of the Indies, where they will get their next clue.

The teams arrive at the Archive in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Brendon/Rachel
4- Caroline/Jennifer  
5- Jet/Cord

When they arrive, teams find the U-Turn.  (Toyouke: “See, a smart person would U-Turn Caroline and Jennifer, giving them both a Speed Bump AND two Detours. Then we'd finally be rid of them.”)


This is a Double U-Turn. Teams may choose to U-turn any team they wish (well, the team has to be behind them), but they may only use the U-Turn once during the race. If a team is U-turned, they must go back to the Detour choices and complete the Detour that they did not complete. This U-Turn is doubled, meaning two teams may U-Turn two other teams.  Phil, during his explanation, does not say how many U-Turns there will be on this race.

1- Dave/Connor cannot U-Turn
2- Leo/Jamal choose to U-Turn Jet/Cord – to be fair, they were going to U-Turn Brenchel, but Jamal hurt his knee in the last challenge, and their logic is that Brenchel is beatable.  I agree.
3- Brendon/Rachel cannot U-Turn
4- Caroline/Jennifer choose to U-Turn Brendon/Rachel – and waste their U-Turn.  (Toyouke: “Ahhh...a useless U-Turn. It's been a while.”)
5- Jet/Cord have been U-Turned

So now Jet and Cord return to do Spanish Steps.  Once that is done, teams get the U-Turn clue in the following order:

1- Dave/Connor
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Brendon/Rachel
4- Caroline/Jennifer  
5- Jet/Cord

Once they U-Turn (or are U-Turned) teams now find that they must make their way to the Plaza de España, the PIT STOP of the tenth leg of this racearoundtheworld.  The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!

1- Dave/Connor – who win a trip for two to St. Croix.
2- Brendon/Rachel
3- Leo/Jamal  
4- Caroline/Jennifer
5- Jet/Cord – (Toyouke: “Stop ruining your exit speech with all this "integrity" crap. You're a strong team that got knocked out because you failed to read two words on a giant poster.”)

And Jet and Cord are eliminated, but Cord gets to ride of into the sunset on the stallion!

1st – Dave/Connor
2nd – Brendon/Rachel
3rd – Leo/Jamal
4th –Caroline/Jennifer

Next week: We’re off to Great Britain.  There is soccer, shooting and boot throwing.  And apparently we get another week before the finale.  Until next time!

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