Thursday, March 31, 2022

Top Chef 3/31/22--"Don't Mess with BBQ" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the Quickfire asked the chefs to make biscuits. Somehow Jackson won, even though he can't smell or taste anything. The Elimination Challenge put the contestants in teams, asking them to make two dishes that looked identical but tasted completely different. Amazing concept. Jackson and Buddha won, because Buddha was able to successfully make panna cotta on this show. Sarah and Robert failed at both their dishes, one of which was another panna cotta, and were eliminated.(click for more)

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Top Chef 3/24/22--"Doppelgangers" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: the chefs were asked to cook for the Asian night market. They were randomly assigned cuisines, not that that helped everyone anyway. Jae won for making a very balanced dish. Jackson did well despite not being able to taste anything. Sam left his potatoes at the Top Chef Kitchen, so he grilled some on the day of, and they were raw. Then he strangely insisted he was an innovator and had grilled potatoes on purpose. He never admitted it was a mistake. Not even in confessional! So he was sent home. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Top Chef 3/17/22--"Noodles and Rice and Everything Nice" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: everybody was supposed to make queso, and they did, to various amounts of success. Damarr won by using hot peppers as dippers for his queso. Then everyone got into two teams to cook...on a football field. Oh and everything had to be carb-forward. Why? Who knows. There was some strategy involved in how you paired up your team members with the other team, since you were going head-to-head. No one actually won, since you had to go a certain distance to win and no one got that far. Yeah, it was that confusing. Anyway, Damarr won again, for making dirty rice but with barley. Stephanie, she of the “Midwestern” cuisine, went home for making feijoada but then taking out all the meat and serving beans and broken rice. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Top Chef 3/10/22--"Friday Night Bites" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: we began the season with a gimmicky Quickfire that involved working in teams and not speaking to each other. One team did not plate a single thing. Empty, clean plates. Buddha, Monique, and Jo won immunity, and promptly did not get much screen time in the Elimination challenge. Each team had to break down a primal of beef and make a coordinated three courses with cuts from that primal. No one cared about if the menus were coordinated. Robert won with pot roast and gnocchi. Stephanie harped on being “Midwestern” and wanting to make meat and potatoes and not Asian food, which I thought was the loser edit, but in the end she survived. Instead, Leia made terrible summer rolls and was sent home. (click for more)

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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Top Chef 3/3/22--"Primal Instincts" summary


Previously on “Top Chef”: Gabe was the winner. Most people wanted Shota to win, especially after Gabe was accused of sexual harassment several times. This season is in Houston, which only makes me once again advocate for coming to St. Louis. We have too many weird regional foods but also a huge Bosnian population (excellent sausage) and plenty of Midwestern cuisine. Anyway, it's a new season. (click for more)

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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

TAR 33, Recap Leg 11, 3/2/22


Welcome to Leg 11! Last time, on Of Course We Have to Paint the Doorknob, the remaining 4 teams flew from Greece to Portugal. Arun couldn’t figure out how to row a boat. Again. And Ryan and Dusty failed at a simple task. Again. The Flight Attendants finished first. AGAIN. And Arun and Natalia were eliminated. AGAIN!! But now we can finish this 2 year long race. Who will win The Amazing Race 33? (click for more)

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TAR 33, Recap Leg 10, 3/2/22


Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Let’s Do Swedish Roulette, But With Rocks!, 4 teams continued to travel through Greece. The Amazing Cameramen were on point, and the Amazing Sound Effects Guys knew a good cue when they heard one, as no one could turn over rocks properly. Raquel and Cayla could, and had their first first place finish, while Ryan and Dusty finished last on a non-elimination leg. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

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