Monday, May 13, 2019

TAR 31, Recap Leg 3, 5/1/19

Welcome to Leg 3! Last time, on My Elephant Is Broken!, 10 teams raced to Laos. The double U-Turn sent Team Fun and Team YouTube to both tasks, and Becca was not happy with Rachel for doing so. The Afghanimals, after some hardships on the leg, finish first again, and Rupert and Laura manage to continue to be in last place and are eliminated. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more):

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Leo and Jamal, The Afghanimals
2nd – Nicole and Victor, The Engaged Houseguests
3rd – Rachel and Elissa, The Houseguest Sisters
4th – Colin and Christie, Team My Ox Is Broken!
5th – Janelle and Britney, The Friendly Houseguests
6th – Corinne and Eliza, Team Fans Vs. Favorites
7th – Tyler and Korey, Team Hot Gay YouTube Celebrities
8th – Chris and Bret, Team Millenials Vs. Gen X
9th – Becca and Floyd, Team Nerdgasm

Prince Phetsarath’s Palace, Ban Xiengkeo, Laos

Leo/Jamal (1st)
Clue: Fly to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! Teams must book on the Travelocity App with the provided Smartphone. Once there, teams must make their way to the House of Vietnamese Medicine and search for their next clue.

Nicole/Victor (2nd)
Rachel/Elissa (3rd)
Colin/Christie (4th)
Janelle/Britney (5th)
Corinne/Eliza (6th)
Tyler/Korey (7th)
Chris/Bret (8th)
Becca/Floyd (9th)

So teams get their tickets on the provided mobile phone through Travelocity. (Toyouke: “I kind of wish this product placement involved more than just booking tickets and hotels (Soft! Staying in a HOTEL!). As in, I wish the phone had a browser so teams that figured it out would have a smartphone for references.”) Teams then make their way to the airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd – who are upset about the U-Turn, so give the YouTube boys a peace offering of trail mix. (Toyouke: “I feel like Tyler and Korey are smart enough to not hold grudges. Although, offering homemade trail mix is hilarious and on brand for Team Fun.”)
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Chris/Bret
4- Rachel/Elissa – who are also upset about the U-turn and offer. . . a blanket? (Toyouke: “Rachel can shut up though.”)
5- Janelle/Britney – who form the Big Brother Alliance with the other Big Brother teams.
6- Nicole/Victor
7- Leo/Jamal
8- Colin/Christie
9- Corinne/Eliza

The Amazing Orange Line takes us from Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh City, and teams arrive at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Rachel/Elissa
4- Janelle/Britney
5- Corinne/Eliza
6- Nicole/Victor
7- Becca/Floyd
8- Colin/Christie
9- Chris/Bret

Teams grab taxis and make their way to the House of Vietnamese Medicine. They find the doctor and get their herbs in the following order:

1- Colin/Christie
2- Tyler/Korey
3- Becca/Floyd
4- Rachel/Elissa
5- Janelle/Britney
6- Nicole/Victor
7- Leo/Jamal – who try and fake out Corinne and Eliza with being in the wrong place. (Toyouke: “Yeah, this strategery of faking like you're in the wrong place only works once or twice.”)
8- Corinne/Eliza
9- Chris/Bret

Teams open their envelopes and we get the Detour Clue.


Reel It In OR Light It Up

*Reel It In: Teams must travel to Thanh Da Restaurant and catch prawns for dinner like the locals. Once teams catch the prawns on a fishing pole and take out the hook, they get their next clue.
*Light It Up: Teams travel to The CREATV Company and perform a neon dance with 218 Dance Crew. Once the dance is learned and performed properly, teams get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “You know I hated the choreography I had to do in my concert, but I sure as shit nailed it. I have control over learning choreography, but I don't have as much control over catching live animals.”)

1- Colin/Christie choose Light It Up
2- Becca/Floyd choose Light It Up
3- Rachel/Elissa choose Light It Up – because they were cheerleaders and have dance experience. (Toyouke: “ml[pRachel already has experience failing at a dance challenge back in India. So why is she so confident about this one?”)
4- Tyler/Korey choose Reel It In – (Toyouke: “Why wouldn't Tyler pick dancing? I mean, no one else is there, so they could get ahead, but it seems odd that they would not pick dancing?”)
5- Nicole/Victor choose Light It Up
6- Corinne/Eliza choose Reel It In
7- Chris/Bret choose Light It Up – and quickly realize this is not the Detour for them, so they pull the first Bald Snark of the season and go to Reel It In. (Toyouke: “This is one of those great Race situations where you don't know what is happening at the other Detour, so you can't know for sure what place you're in. It complicates your Bald Snark decision.”)
8- Leo/Jamal choose Light It Up
9- Janelle/Britney choose Light It Up

Much neon dancing and prawn catching ensues. So, teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd – who completed on the second try because they didn’t have enough energy. (Toyouke: “Do not ask Team Fun for "more energy".”)
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Corinne/Eliza
5- Tyler/Korey
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Janelle/Britney
8- Chris/Bret
9- Leo/Jamal – who complete after 19 tries. (Toyouke: “I mean it shouldn't take 19 attempts.”)

When they rip open the clue, teams get the fourth roadblock.


Who’s ready to tune out?

In this roadblock, teams must travel to Kingdom Karaoke, where one team member must learn a song in Vietnamese and perform it in a karaoke room. Once approved by the karaoke expert, teams get their next clue.

Teams travel and arrive at Kingdom Karaoke in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Colin/Christie
3- Nicole/Victor
4- Corinne/Eliza
5- Tyler/Korey
6- Rachel/Elissa
7- Janelle/Britney
8- Chris/Bret
9- Leo/Jamal

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Floyd
2- Colin
3- Victor
4- Eliza
5- Tyler
6- Rachel
7- Janelle
8- Bret
9- Leo

After much karaoke, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Becca/Floyd
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Colin/Christie
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Corinne/Eliza
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Leo/Jamal
9- Chris/Bret

Teams are now instructed to travel to Ho Thi Ky Flower Market, the PIT STOP of the third leg of this racearoundtheworld, and search the grounds for the mat. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Becca/Floyd – who win a trip for two to the Bahamas.
2- Nicole/Victor
3- Colin/Christie
4- Tyler/Korey
5- Corinne/Eliza
6- Janelle/Britney
7- Rachel/Elissa
8- Leo/Jamal
9- Chris/Bret

And Chris and Bret are the last team to arrive, but this is the first of three predetermined Non-Elimination Legs and they are still in the race! They will have to perform a Speed Bump on the next leg, however.

1st – Becca/Floyd
2nd – Nicole/Victor
3rd – Colin/Christie
4th – Tyler/Korey
5th – Corinne/Eliza
6th – Janelle/Britney
7th – Rachel/Elissa
8th – Leo/Jamal
9th – Chris/Bret

Next week: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City! There are sleds and a polar bear! Vietnamese mopeds (which is an experience in itself). And cab issues. Until next time!

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