Welcome to Leg 12! Last time,
on Throwing the Wrong Type of
Boot Is Really Problematic, teams
raced from Spain to England and Wales.
Leo and Jamal had directional issues and ended up in last place, causing
them to finish fourth for the second race in a row. This season, we’ve had a Frankenteam. Tension!
Frustration! Competition! And Challenge! In the end we have three teams: Brendon and
Rachel, who promised less crying and more baby making (Toyouke: “Rachel's popularity was gone before
that U-Turn.”); Caroline and Jennifer, who managed to flirt their way through
the race again while surviving two NELs and never winning a leg; and Dave and
Connor, who self eliminated the first time they raced due to injury, but
probably could have won anyway. Who will
win The Amazing Race 24? (click for more)