Saturday, June 3, 2017

TAR 29, Recap Leg 12, 6/1/17

Welcome to Leg 12! Last time, on Korea Is All About Frat Boy Games, four teams raced through South Korea, stacking cups and playing video games.  Matt and Redmond made the decision to take the subway instead of a taxi, which put them behind for most of the leg.  And then there were three.  Brooke and Scott, who appeared to be a perfect match out of the gate, fought and bickered their way across the world.  Scott overcame his fear of heights three times.  Brooke overcame. . . well, everything.  Tara and Joey, the oldest team this season, had their fair share of ups and downs, including some first place finishes, but ultimately had a common goal about succeeding for their families.  And London and Logan, who have yet to win a leg, are just positive all the time, even though they Bald Snark consistently. Three teams remain.  Who will win The Amazing Race 29? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Brooke and Scott, Team Will and Grace, #TeamBrookeandScott
2nd – London and Logan, Team Vapid Models, #TeamLoLo
3rd – Tara and Joey, Team Old Folks, #TeamMomAndDad 

Gavit Some, Sebit-seom, Seoul, South Korea 

Brooke/Scott (1st)
Clue: Fly 6000 miles to your FINAL DESTINATION CITY, Chicago, Illinois, USA!  As a member of the Final 3, you will fly Premium Class back to the States.  Once there, make your way to the Chicagoland Speedway.

(Toyouke: “Why is Phil telling them how they're going to Chicago? I don't like it.  And I don't like that they're just given first class tickets.”)

London/Logan (2nd) 
Tara/Joey (3rd)

Phil actually sends the teams off at the same time from the mat with the good news to Incheon International Airport and they are all on the same flight (somehow through London) and back to O’Hare International Airport.  They arrive Chicago in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott – who checked their bags.  Because race.  (Toyouke: “At least Brooke and Scott knew to check their bags.”)
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Teams now make their way to Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet and arrive in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Teams are instructed to become part of the racing team and perform two tasks. One team member must change a tire on a stock car in 40 seconds or less. Once this is complete, the other team member must drive around the Speedway and complete one lap in 48 seconds or less.  Once complete, teams proceed to the Winner’s Podium to get their next clue.  Team members change tires in the following order:

1- Brooke – who takes 4 tries.  
2- Joey – who takes 1 try.
3- London – who takes 4 tries.

(Toyouke: “This task is surprisingly boring. That, or I'm tired of Brooke.”)  Teams now complete their laps around the track in the following order:

1- Scott – who takes 3 tries.  
2- Tara – who takes 3 tries.
3- Logan – who takes 2 tries.

(Toyouke: “No, it's really boring to me for some reason.”)  So teams complete the full task in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Teams are now instructed to make their way to the Monroe Street Station on the CTA.  Once they arrive, they would get their next clue.  What they don’t know it that they have to get it from a marked construction worker.  (Toyouke: “Did it tell them to look for a person? “)  They arrive and get their clues in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Teams are now given three riddles to solve.  Each of the riddles leads teams to a specific Chicago landmark, where they will pick up a postcard from a greeter. Once they have all the postcards, teams will get their next clue as printed on the postcards.  (Toyouke: “What is this riddle crap? Normally I like real clue clues but for some reason I don't like this. Maybe because it isn't the final clue.”)

The Riddles:
1) I have a gothic spire, and I’m impervious to fire.  I’m 154 feet tall, look no higher. (Chicago Water Tower, Clue Location TAR 6 Leg 12)
2) I am tiered like a wedding cake, From me, a drink you should not take.  To find me, look no further than the lake. (Buckingham Fountain, Starting Line TAR 6)
3) I stand in the twin corncob’s shadow and control the Kupcinet bascule for those below.  Climb the steps to my operator, and you’ll be good to go. (Wabash Avenue Bridge)

So, teams get to choose which order to visit each landmark, so I’ll list them in clue order.  

Teams make their way to the Chicago Water Tower.  They get their clue from two gentlemen playing chess nearby in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott – as their first stop.
2- London/Logan – as their second stop.
3- Tara/Joey – as their third stop, after mistakenly going to the Chicago Temple instead.  Only 146 feet tall, by the way.

Teams make their way to Buckingham Fountain.  They get their clue from the bike operator in the following order:

1- Tara/Joey – as their first stop.
2- Brooke/Scott – as their third stop, although Brooke is exhausted at this point.
3- London/Logan – as their third stop.

Teams make their way to the Wabash Avenue Bridge.  They climb to the top of the tower and get their clue from the operator in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott – as their second stop.
2- London/Logan – as their first stop.
3- Tara/Joey – as their second stop.

So teams complete the task in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- London/Logan 
3- Tara/Joey

Now that teams have all of the postcards, they can find their next destination, City Hall Rooftop.  They arrive at City Hall in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan – because they took the subway.

Teams get their clue from Michael the Beekeeper on the roof of City Hall.  With the clue, teams are instructed to take a taxi to Wrigleyville Dogs and get their next clue.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Teams are now instructed to prepare 10 Chicago Dogs and deliver them to a Wrigley Rooftop at 3639 North Sheffield Avenue.  (Toyouke: “"Hey who wants to sit on a rooftop in your Cubs gear on a non-game day and wait for some idiots to bring you hot dogs?"”)  Once there, teams give the dogs to the fans waiting for them and then ask for a pair of tickets to Wrigley Field, given to the teams by Ernie and Cindy Halvorsen, winners of The Amazing Race 19. (Toyouke: "Let me tell you, I missed where Phil pointed them out and then didn't recognize them AT ALL.") Teams make their hot dogs and deliver them in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey – (Toyouke: “Joey's "Go Red Sox!" is still hilarious.”)
3- London/Logan

Teams read the tickets and find that they are to go to the Marquis Entrance of Wrigley Field to get their next clue.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

Once they arrive, teams get the final task.  


Who’s been keeping score?

In this final task, one team member must go to the press box, while the other goes to the scoreboard.  The Press Box teammate communicates via one way radio to the person at the scoreboard to help them place their finishes at the eleven pit stops correctly on the board.  Once complete, teams then reunite on hone plate, get a clue from the umpire which then contains three math problems.  The three resulting digits make the number for a section of the ball park, which has the teams’ last clue hidden in one of its seats.

For reference: The Pit Stop order on the sign is alphabetical.  Ålesund (Leg 5), Athens (Leg 8), Dar Es Salaam (Leg 4), Hanoi (Leg 9), Lake Como (Leg 6), Ninh Binh (Leg 10), Panama City (Leg 1), São Paolo (Leg 2), Seoul (Leg 11), Venice (Leg 7), Zanzibar (Leg 3).

Brooke and Scott finishes in Scoreboard Order: 6, 3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6.
Tara and Joey  finishes in Scoreboard Order: 1, 1, 1, 5, 3, 3, 6, 7, 3, 3, 2.
London and Logan finishes in Scoreboard Order: 5, 4, 5, 3, 6, 4, 8, 8, 2, 5, 5.

(Toyouke: “OK this final task is good. Remembering things and also math.”)  So, teams complete the task in the following order:

1- Brooke/Scott – Brooke runs the press box, Scott runs the Scoreboard, and they end up in section 504.
2- Tara/Joey – Tara runs the press box, Joey runs the Scoreboard, and they end up in section 534.
3- London/Logan – London runs the press box, Logan runs the Scoreboard.

Teams find now that they must make their way to Milton Lee Olive Park, the FINISH LINE of this racearoundtheworld.  The first team to arrive will WIN the Amazing Race!

1- Brooke/Scott
2- Tara/Joey 
3- London/Logan

17 cities, 9 countries, 36000  miles, Brooke and Scott, you are the winners of The Amazing Race 29!  And. . .that’s about it.

1st – Brooke/Scott  
2nd – Tara/Joey 
3rd – London/Logan
4th – Matt/Redmond 
5th – Becca/Floyd
6th – Liz/Michael 
7th – Vanck/Ashton 
8th – Shamir/Sara
9th – Seth/Olive 
10th – Jessie/Francesca
11th – Kevin/Jenn

Next season: TAR 30!  Well, at least CBS has promised it to us at some point. We’ll see when that occurs.  Until next time!

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