Monday, November 22, 2010

TAR17, Recap Leg 8, 11/21/10

Welcome to Leg 8! Last time, on Hail Mary, Full of Grace, Oman, teams raced from St. Petersburg to Muscat, Oman. Neverland overslept, and then showed up in Oman just in time for Chad to propose. But it was Gary and Mallory who made a navigational error that caused their elimination. Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Chad/Stephanie, Team Neverland
2nd – Jill/Thomas, Team Who?
3rd – Nick/Vicki, The Geniuses
4th – Brook/Claire, Team Infomercial
5th – Nat/Kat, Team ER

Al Alam Palace, Muscat, Oman

11:10 AM Chad/Stephanie (1st)
Clue: Fly 2000 miles to Dhaka, Bangladesh! Once there, find Sundarban Square Supermarket and find the sugar cane press. Teams then fill mug with the juice, and one team member must drink the whole glass to get their next clue. There is a Double U-Turn on this leg.

(Toyouke: “STUPID DOUBLE U-TURN even worse than a regular one. I don't even know how it's "double" and I don't care.”)

Chad: “I don't want to lose to a pair of girls.” (Auburnium0513: ”Really? And she agreed to marry him?")

11:27 AM Jill/Thomas (2nd)
12:57 PM Nick/Vicki (3rd)

1:36 PM Brook/Claire (4th)
3:37 PM Nat/Kat (5th)

Teams leave the Pit Stop and head towards Muscat International Airport. They arrive in the following order:

1- Chad/Stephanie
2- Jill/Thomas
3- Nick/Vicki
4- Brook/Claire
5- Nat/Kat

Teams then get tickets on their flights. Chad and Stephanie find the first flight out of Muscat that takes them through Mumbai and Dehli and gets them to Dhaka the next day at noon. Team Who, The Geniuses and Infomercial also snag those flights. However, Jill and Thomas keep looking and find a Qatar Air flight that is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka at 5 am. So, they take the flight. Nick and Vicki, meanwhile, work at one ticket counter with Brook and Claire at the other over a pair of tickets that get them an 8:40 am arrival. Nick and Vicki win out. Nat and Kat catch the first flight to Dubai, and then manage to catch up with the 12 pm arrivals in Mumbai. Chad and Stephanie eat Dairy Queen. (Toyouke: “Oman has a Dairy Queen, apparently. I love that the camera is like, spying on Chad and Stephanie, like if they saw it they'd know they should go back to the ticket counter.”)

So, the flight patterns look like this:

Flight 1, arrive 5:00 AM
1) Jill/Thomas
– (Toyouke: “7 hour lead. Not bad. Good job.”)

Flight 2, arrive 8:40 AM
1) Nick/Vicki
– (Toyouke: “How did they get seats when there was only one seat left?”)

Flight 3, arrive 12:00 PM
1) Chad/Stephanie
2) Brook/Claire
3) Nat/Kat

All teams arrive in Dhaka in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Chad/Stephanie
4- Nat/Kat
5- Brook/Claire

Teams then take a taxi to Sundarban Square Supermarket, and arrive in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Chad/Stephanie
4- Nat/Kat
5- Brook/Claire

Teams then pressed their sugar cane and poured it into their mugs. Team members drank the pressed sugar in the following order:

1- Thomas
2- Nick
3- Chad
4- Kat
5- Brook

Teams finished the task in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Chad/Stephanie
4- Nat/Kat
5- Brook/Claire

And we get the Detour Clue.

Balanced Meal OR Balanced Bricks
*Balanced Meal: Teams take a bicycle rickshaw to Shah Jahan’s food market, where they pick up 30 tiffins of food. Teams then get into a rowboat and travel across the harbor to a ship and deliver the 30 meals. Teams return to shore with 10 empty tiffins to get their next clue.
*Balanced Bricks: Teams take a bicycle rickshaw to brick barge, where they collect bricks and deliver them nearby via their heads. Once 100 unbroken bricks are delivered, teams get their next clue.

1-Jill/Thomas choose Balanced Bricks
2-Nick/Vicki choose Balanced Meal
– and it spills on them, causing the two of them to complain. (Toyouke: “I bet it's good food in there, VICKI.”)
3-Nat/Kat choose Balanced Meal
4-Brook/Claire choose Balanced Meal
5-Chad/Stephanie choose Balanced Meal

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Nat/Kat
4- Brook/Claire
5- Chad/Stephanie

Teams are now instructed to travel on foot to the Dhaka River Port.


This is a Double U-Turn. Teams may choose to u-turn any team they wish (well, the team has to be behind them), but they may only use the U-Turn once during the race. If a team is u-turned, they must go back to the Detour choices and complete the Detour that they did not complete. This U-Turn is doubled, meaning two teams may U-Turn two other teams. Phil, during his explanation, does not say how many U-Turns there will be on this race.

(Toyouke: “So the question is, if someone U-Turns me, can I still U-Turn someone else?”)

1-Jill/Thomas choose to U-Turn Brook/Claire – (Toyouke: “I'm OK with Brooke and Claire. Can't get rid of them any other way.”)
2-Nick/Vicki choose not to U-Turn – although they do debate it for a bit, Vicki says they know at least one team is U-turned behind them, so why waste it? (Toyouke: “Hmm, I would argue that Nat and Kat are stronger than Chad and Stephanie. But I can also see that you know 3 teams are behind you and one already was U-Turned, so what's the point now?”)
3-Nat/Kat choose to U-Turn Chad/Stephanie – (Toyouke: “Nat and Kat used that well.”) 4-Brook/Claire have been U-Turned – so they go back and do Balanced Bricks.
5-Chad/Stephanie have been U-Turned – so they go back and do Balanced Bricks. (Toyouke: “Oh Chad. I smell Killer Fatigue.” Auburnium0513: "Stephanie, are you SURE you want to marry this guy?")

Once all this u-turn nonsense is taken care of, teams find their next clue, which tells them to take a bicycle rickshaw to Nazira Bazaar and find Tekka Mistiri Rickshaw Garage to get their next clue.

Teams arrive at the garage in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Nat/Kat
4- Brook/Claire
5- Chad/Stephanie

And teams come to the ninth roadblock.

*Question Not Visible*

In this roadblock, one team member must enter the mechanic’s shop and assemble a rickshaw bicycle from scratch, being certain to put on the wheels, seat, canopy, bell, tassels, pedals, back seat and chain. Once complete, the owner will give them their next clue.

The following team members complete the Roadblock.

1- Jill – “Nuts. And bullets.”
2- Nick
3- Nat
4- Brook
– “I’m going to charge like a spider monkey!”
5- Stephanie

After much rickshaw building, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Jill/Thomas
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Nat/Kat
4- Brook/Claire
5- Chad/Stephanie

Teams get their clue and find that they must now find Lalbagh Fort, the PIT STOP of the ninth leg of this racearoundtheworld. The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Jill/Thomas – who win a $15000 Discover Gift Card. (Toyouke: “Jesus, that is a ridiculous prize.”)
2- Nick/Vicki
3- Nat/Kat
4- Brook/Claire
5- Chad/Stephanie

And Chad and Stephanie are eliminated. Good riddance, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. (Toyouke: “So...Chad says nice things about Stephanie but she does not respond with "I'm so glad I'm spending forever with Chad.")

1st – Jill/Thomas
2nd – Nick/Vicki
3rd – Nat/Kat
4th – Brook/Claire

Next week: Hong Kong! Brook does her Dim Sum Dance. And Nick . . . doesn’t. Until next time!

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