Previously on “Top Chef”: It was time for Restaurant Wars. Both spots seemed to be cohesive, with good food and no shots of servers forgetting what tables they were going to or backups in the kitchen. Matriarc went for Southern cuisine, lead by Ashleigh and Buddha doing front of house. No Nem did Southeast Asian, with Evelyn running the kitchen and Jackson doing front of house. Buddha admitted he watched previous seasons and took note of how to do things, and ended up with great service. Jackson wanted to serve family style and also two courses at once and then he didn't greet the judges or explain any dishes. Then he admitted to everyone he couldn't taste anything, which upset his team, as he waited until after judging. But in the end, he was sent home finally. I get that he's “a strong chef” but those front of house errors are the most basic errors. You gotta tell the judges who made what dish, come on. Ashleigh won for leading the other kitchen to victory. (click for more)
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