Wednesday, March 5, 2025

"The Joe Schmo Show" 2025 -- episode 7 "One Flew Over the Losers' Loft"


Previously on “Joe Schmo”: Ben had a meeting with the supposed creator of this supposed show, Mr. Danish. Mr. Danish was of course weird and cryptic, so Ben immediately assumed this was on purpose to mess with him. Then there was a puzzle challenge, which Braxton won. Chastity got a “makeover” which was basically some makeup and she and Braxton got very close. Ben finally figured out she'd just replaced Trevor with Braxton in her power couple, which was not good for him. The elimination came down to Ben and Chastity, and of course then Ben was eliminated. On the way out, Mr. Danish showed up again and said that it wasn't over yet. Or something else cryptic I guess.(click for more)

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